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Discount codes

Here you can read about discount codes for applying for a business account.

Updated over 2 months ago

Please note that this only applies with Lunar Business in Denmark.

When you apply for an account with Lunar Business, we have a number of partners, including Billy, Dinero, e-conomic, and LegalDesk. These partners can offer discount codes, which can make your experience as a Lunar business customer a bit cheaper. The discount codes are issued by the partner offering them. If the discount is from Lunar, Lunar will provide the code. If the discount is offered by one of our partners, it will be the respective partner who provides the code. Therefore, at Lunar, we cannot provide a discount code belonging to, for example, Dinero - you will need to contact them directly.

However, Lunar will always support the process and assist with any questions related to discounts on our business subscriptions.

How do I use my discount code?

Once you have received your discount code, you need to enter it during your application process. When you reach the stage of selecting your subscription: Simple, Essential, Limitless, you need to scroll all the way to the bottom. Here you will find a field where you can enter the discount code you have been given. The discount will now be applied.

If you haven’t attached your discount code to your business application, please contact Lunar customer service either via the Lunar app or directly by phone. Please have your discount code ready to provide to the customer service representative you speak with.

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