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My uploaded recording wasn't processed successfully
My uploaded recording wasn't processed successfully
Ilan Benisty avatar
Written by Ilan Benisty
Updated over 6 months ago

Occasionally, audio or video recordings uploaded directly to timeOS can fail to be processed correctly. Keep reading to find out what may have caused this issue, and what you can do about it:

  1. If your recording is over 2 hours long, this likely the reason why we didn't manage to successfully process it for you. We recommend splitting the file into two shorter recordings and uploading them to timeOS one at a time. We aim to support longer recordings soon, in the meantime you can upvote this open feature request which will help us prioritize it sooner!

  2. If your recording is shorter than 3 minutes, it is likely your AI won't be able to process it for you. Your AI is dedicated to providing you with the best meeting notes possible, and recordings that are too short often lack enough content for your AI to transcribe and summarize them successfully.

  3. If your recording is larger than 2GB, your AI is not able to process it yet.
    We recommend compressing your recording to ensure it is smaller than 2GB.

  4. Recordings can fail to be processed during peak traffic times, simply because of the amount of recordings our users upload at the same time across the globe. We're working hard to keep up with our user growth. In the meantime we recommend uploading the recording at a later time and/or date, which often addresses the issue.

  5. Make sure your recording is in a supported format, specifically:
    mp3, m4a, wav, aac, flac, ogg, oga, ogv, webm, mp4, m4v.
    If your recording is not in any of the formats above, your AI will not be able to process it. We recommend converting your recording to whichever format you prefer and uploading it once more to timeOS.

If none of the reasons above apply, please reach out to our helpdesk at and we'll be sure to investigate further!

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