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Common issues and their resolutions, plus frequently asked questions
'I Can't Log In to timeOS?'
'I Have a Sync Issue'
'Issue with Al Notetaker Summary Not Received'
'Did I run out of credits?'
Al Attendee Fails to Join My Meetings
Enabling Al Notetaker Auto-Join Only Meetings I Am the Host
'I am not satisfied with my AI Notetaker summary'
'How to delete my account?'
Having Trouble Asking timeOS AI Anything?
'How to Add your AI Bot to any Meetings'
'Problem with AI Notetaker joining meeting despite not being the host'
'Al Notetaker is added to an event despite my decline'
'AI Notetaker joining meetings despite extension removal'
'Issue with summary quality due to early removal of AI Notetaker'
'How to remove AI Notetaker after meeting has started?'
Does Your AI support other languages besides English?
'Where is the timeOS calendar?'
'How to uninstall the timeOS extension?'
'When will you support other Calendars providers (e.g Outlook)?'
'Can I turn off the new tab feature and only use reminders?'
'How can I connect multiple calendars to timeOS?'
'Does the AI Notetaker support all VC links?'
When will the AI Notetaker join my meeting, and when will it stop?
How to remove the Time Peek widget / calendar handle?
Bring my team
Where can I find my meeting notes, transcript, and recording?
'When sharing via email, it doesn’t open my Gmail'
'I can’t see the latest features'
'How can I stop the bot from joining my meetings?'
‘I want to access past and future notes’
‘I want to share my notes with others'
Can't integrate with Notion Template, error reads "Couldn't fetch Magical's timeOS Notion Template"
My uploaded recording wasn't processed successfully