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Rewards Table

Track and manage participant's milestone achievements using the Reward Table.

Nicole McCasland avatar
Written by Nicole McCasland
Updated over 8 months ago

The Rewards Table helps celebrate runners' achievements. This feature enables coaches to easily track progress and reward their participants, with a milestone sticker, a high five, or a printed certificate.

The Reward Table provides a structured way to recognize and celebrate participants' accomplishments keeping them motivated and engaged. How or what you reward your participants is up to you!

Where do I find the Rewards Table?

On the Impact Dashboard, you will notice the "Rewards" tab located between the "Participants" and "Club Details" tabs.

This tab is designed to help you manage and track the milestones earned by your participants.

The Reward Tab will display a green dot whenever there are pending actions in the rewards table. This means one or more runners have exceeded a milestone in total miles, but the corresponding checkbox has not been marked true.

Once all milestone checkboxes are marked, the green dot badge will disappear, indicating no pending actions

Using the Rewards Table

  • Columns

    • The table includes columns for "First Name," "Last Name," "Class Name," "Grade," "Total Laps," "Total Miles," and milestone markers (e.g., "5 mi," "10 mi," etc.).

  • Filters and Search

    • You can filter the table based on Classes, Grades, and Gender.

    • Additionally, a search field allows you to find students using their first and last names.

  • Ascending/Descending Arrows

    • Each column contains arrows to flip the data in an ascending or descending order.

  • Rows per Page

    • At the bottom right of the table, you can change the rows per page to view 10 to 50 rows at a time.

  • Checkboxes for Milestones

    • Each milestone marker column includes checkboxes

    • When a runner achieves a milestone, you can mark the checkbox and the selection will be automatically saved.

*If deleting miles from a participant causes their total to fall below a previously achieved milestone, the corresponding achievement box must be manually unchecked.

  • Alert on Deselection:

    • If you uncheck a checkbox, an alert will prompt you to confirm the removal of the milestone marker.

    • The alert message will state: "Please confirm you want to remove this runner's milestone marker."

      • Select "Confirm" to move to uncheck the milestone earned.

      • Select "Cancel" if this is not the action you want to take.

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