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UK conviction codes & penalty points
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Written by The Marshmallow Team
Updated over a week ago

I have received a motoring conviction

If you receive a driving conviction, it's important that you let us know so that we can update your policy. If you need help with this currently, please speak to a member of our customer support team.

We will need to know:

  • Conviction code

  • Conviction month & year

  • Your policy number

‍The government has assigned a code to each offence. For a list of the conviction codes, please take a look below, or find out more on GOV.UK.



  • AC10 - Failing to stop and/or give particulars after an accident

  • AC20 - Failing to report an accident within 24 hours

  • AC30 - Undefined accident offences


  • BA10 - Driving while disqualified by order of court

  • BA20 - Driving while disqualified by reason of age

  • BA30 - Attempting to drive while disqualified by order of court

  • BA40 - Causing death by driving while disqualified

  • BA60 - Causing serious injury by driving while disqualified


  • CD10 - Driving without due care and attention

  • CD20 - Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users

  • CD30 - Driving without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other road users

  • CD40 - Causing death through careless driving when unfit through drink

  • CD50 - Causing death by careless driving when unfit through drugs

  • CD60 - Causing death by careless driving with alcohol level above the limit

  • CD70 - Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for alcohol analysis

  • CD71 - Causing death by careless driving then failing to supply a specimen for drugs analysis

  • CD80 - Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving

  • CD90 - Causing death by driving: unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured drivers


  • CU10 - Using a vehicle with defective brakes

  • CU20 - Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of use of unsuitable vehicle or using a vehicle with parts or accessories (excluding brakes, steering or tyres) in a dangerous condition

  • CU30 - Using a vehicle with defective tyre(s)

  • CU40 - Using a vehicle with defective steering

  • CU50 - Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of load or passengers

  • CD60 - Undefined failure to comply with Construction and Use regulations

  • CD70 - Breach of requirement as to Speed Assessment Equipment Detection Device

  • CU80 - Using a mobile phone while driving a motor vehicle


  • DD10 - Driving in a dangerous manner

  • DD20 - Driving at dangerous speed

  • DD30 - Reckless driving

  • DD40 - Dangerous driving

  • DD50 - Causing death by dangerous driving

  • DD60 - Manslaughter or culpable homicide while driving a vehicle

  • DD70 - Causing death by reckless driving

  • DD80 - Causing death by dangerous driving

  • DD90 - Furious driving


  • DR10 Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit

  • DR20 Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink or drugs

  • DR30 Driving or attempting to drive then failing to supply a specimen for analysis

  • DR31 Driving or attempting to drive then refusing to give permission for analysis of a blood sample that was taken without consent due to incapacity

  • DR40 In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit

  • DR50 In charge of a vehicle while unfit through drink or drugs

  • DR60 In charge of a vehicle then refusing to supply a specimen of blood or urine for laboratory testing

  • DR61 Failure to supply a specimen for drug analysis in circumstances other than driving or attempting to drive

  • DR70 Failing to provide specimen for breath test

  • DR80 Driving or attempting to drive when unfit through drugs

  • DR90 In charge of a vehicle when unfit through drugs


  • DG10 - Driving or attempting to drive with drug level above the specified limit

  • DG40 - In charge of a vehicle while drug level above specified limit

  • DG60 - Causing death by careless driving with drug level above the limit

  • E001 - No driving licence - driving while disqualified

  • E002 - Exceeding the speed limit

  • E003 - Driving while unfit by virtue of disease of physical/mental disability

  • E004 - Drunk Driving

  • E005 - Drunk in charge (southern ireland)

  • E006 - Driving without reasonable consideration (southern Ireland)

  • E007 - Driving without due care and attention (careless driving)

  • E008 - Dangerous Driving (southern Ireland)

  • E009 - Driving of dangerously defective vehicle

  • E010 - Parking vehicle in dangerous position

  • E011 - Driving without Insurance

  • E012 - Fraud in obtaining Insurance

  • E013 - Failure to produce RTA Certificate

  • E014 - Accident not reported by the Insured

  • E015 - Sign/Signal not observed

  • E016 - Parking Offence (southern Ireland)

  • E017 - Duties on occurrence of accident - failure to comply (hit and run)

  • E018 - Unauthorised taking of vehicle


  • IN10 - Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks


  • LC10 - Driving without a licence

  • LC20 - Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence

  • LC30 - Driving after making a false declaration about fitness when applying for a licence

  • LC40 - Driving a vehicle having failed to notify a disability

  • LC50 - Driving after a licence has been cancelled (revoked) or refused on medical grounds


  • MR09 - Reckless or dangerous driving (whether or not resulting in death, injury or serious risk)

  • MR19 - Wilful failure to carry out the obligation placed on driver after being involved in a road accident (hit or run)

  • MR29 - Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other substance affecting or diminishing the mental and physical abilities of a driver

  • MR39 - Driving a vehicle faster than the permitted speed

  • MR49 - Driving a vehicle whilst disqualified

  • MR59 - Disqualification due to other conduct constituting an offence for which a driving disqualification has been imposed for 6 or more months


  • MS10 - Leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position

  • MS20 - Unlawful pillion riding

  • MS30 - Play street offences

  • MS40 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight or refusing to submit to a test

  • MS50 - Motor racing on the highway

  • MS60 - Offences not covered by other codes (including offences relating to breach of requirements as to control of vehicle)

  • MS70 - Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight

  • MS80 - Refusing to submit to an eyesight test

  • MS90 - Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc

  • MT01 - Driving whilst using a mobile telephone


  • MW10 Contravention of special roads regulations (excluding speed limits)

  • NA01 Causing GBI by driving carelessly/inconsiderately whilst unfit

  • NA02 Causing CBI by driving carelessly with excess alcohol or drugs

  • NA03 Wrongful use of a disabled driver’s badge

  • NE99 Non-endorsable offence which can result in disqualification

  • NI09 GB drivers disqualified in Northern Ireland

  • NR09 GB drivers revoked under the New Drivers Act in Northern Ireland


  • PC10 - Undefined contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations

  • PC20 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with moving vehicle

  • PC30 - Contravention of pedestrian crossing regulations with stationary vehicle


  • PL10 - Driving without ‘L’ plates

  • PL20 - Not accompanied by a qualified person

  • PL30 - Carrying a person not qualified

  • PL40 - Drawing an unauthorised trailer

  • PL50 - Undefined failure to comply with conditions of a Provisional Licence


  • QI09 - GB drivers disqualified in Isle of Man


  • SC19 - Section 19 (Transport Act 1981) disqualification, being banned from diving by the authorities.

  • SC35 - Section 35 (Transport Act 1981) disqualification, being banned from diving by the authorities.

  • SE19 - Disqualification under totting up procedure

  • SE35 - Disqualification under totting up procedure


  • SP10 - Exceeding goods vehicle speed limits

  • SP20 - Exceeding speed limit for type of vehicle (excluding goods or passenger vehicles)

  • SP30 - Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road

  • SP40 - Exceeding passenger vehicle speed limit

  • SP50 - Exceeding speed limit on a motorway


  • TS10 - Failing to comply with traffic light signals

  • TS20 - Failing to comply with double white lines

  • TS30 - Failing to comply with ‘stop’ sign

  • TS40 - Failing to comply with direction of a constable/warden

  • TS50 - Failing to comply with traffic sign (excluding ‘stop’ signs, traffic lights or double white lines)

  • TS60 - Failing to comply with a school crossing patrol sign

  • TS70 - Undefined failure to comply with a traffic direction sign


  • UT10 - Taking and driving away a vehicle without consent or an attempt thereat

  • UT20 - Stealing or attempting to steal a vehicle

  • UT30 - Going equipped for stealing or taking a vehicle

  • UT40 - Taking or attempting to take a vehicle without consent, driving or attempting to drive a vehicle knowing it to have been taken without consent, allowing oneself to be carried in or on a vehicle knowing it to have been taken without consent

  • UT50 - Aggravated taking of a vehicle


  • Z001 - Non-Road Traffic Act - Fraud

  • Z002 - Non-Road Traffic Act - Robbery

  • Z003 - Non-Road Traffic Act - Theft

  • Z004 - Non-Road Traffic Act - Handling

  • Z005 - Prosecution Pending

  • Z006 - Parking Offence

  • Z007 - Disqualification under section 34

  • Z008 - Disqualification under section 35

  • Z009 - Driving whilst using a mobile telephone

  • Z010 - Tachograph offence

  • Z011 - Ban From Driving In Any EU Country (Excluding The UK)


  • TT99 - Disqualification under ‘totting-up’ procedure. Demerit points apply for offences causing the disqualification

  • S.19 - Disqualification under totting up procedure

  • XX99 - Disqualification under ‘totting-up’ procedure. Demerit points apply for offences causing the disqualification

‍If you're convicted of a motoring offence in the UK, you might receive penalty points. These points can last on a driving record for 4 to 11 years, depending on the offence.

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