In this article we are going to see:
How to bring data from the ad platforms to the table
How to add custom data to the table using Custom Fields
Create custom filters and views
Conditional formatting
Export to Excel and Google Sheets
The same features applies to both views: Overview by Client and Overview by Campaign
How to bring data from the ad platforms to the table:
Once you have added some clients with their respective ad accounts you can start adding data to the table:
To add data from the platforms, you have to click the "Choose Metrics" field and you will have a list available to choose metrics for each platform:
If you choose Spent $, Clicks, and CTR for Meta, Google, and Linkedin, they will be added to table as columns:
Clients that have no values in specific metrics will be left empty. So if a client has no Linkedin account, the Linkedin metrics will obviously be blank
The table has a date filter and when updating it, all the values will change:
Also, every metric chosen can be edited with an Alias, so for example, if we want to see "Investment $ FB" instead of the name of the metric from the platform "Amount Spent META", you can edit the metric:
Also, columns can be expanded using the borders as you would do in a regular spreadsheet. You can also reorder them using the icon shown in the next image:
2. How to add custom data to the table using Custom Fields
We have different types of custom fields:
Single Text and Long Text: you can add text to the table, such as observations and notes.
URL: you can add links
Dates: allows you to add date fields such as today's date, start of month date, end of month date, etc. This is very useful since you can estimate based on the days that have already passed in the month, and how many days are left pending, how are we coming up with the budget? What should be the daily budget today to reach the budget for the month? How many sales should we generate per day to reach the monthly goal? In the following article you can see how to put together these tables in detail
Number: you can add numeric fields, such as "sale goal" or "budget", and also choose the format: number, percentage or currency $
Formulas: you can do calculations with all the data from the table
Suppose we have a goal of 70 conversions every 7 days for the entire account and we want to measure as a percentage how we are doing against that goal. If we are running on Meta, Google, and Linkedin, the first thing we have to have in the table are the conversion metrics for each platform and update the table date to "last 7 days"
The second step is to add a custom field "Formula" to add the conversions of each platform
The third step is to create a custom field "Number" to put our goal in the table: "Conversions Goal"
The fourth step is to edit the "Conversions Goal" value in the table for each Customer:
The last step would be to create a formula to calculate how we are doing against that goal: "% Conversions":
Single Select y Multiple Select: you can add option fields on the table. For example: who is the account manager or the analyst?
Check box: use it to control your campaigns
Source Result: It allows you to choose a platform and then choose the metric that most interests you on that platform for each client.
Once the custom field is created, you will be able to choose the metric for each client in the table:
This type of custom field is very useful because many times we are interested in different metrics for each client, so here we could see in a column for each client, the value of the metric that interests you most from the platform you have chosen.
3. Create custom filters and views
Using Filters you will be able to segment the table based on all of its information. You can filter on metrics brought from the platforms as well as on custom fields created by you.
For example, you could filter all customers who have more than X conversions, or who have invested more than $X on a platform. You could also filter only the clients handled by a particular analyst or only those who spent more than X% of the budget, etc.
Also, you can save certain views of the table in "Views". Suppose I want to build a view only for the clients that have "Brian" as an analyst, first I have to add the filter
Then save the View: "Brian Clients"
All the saved Views will be added to a list so that you can navigate between them in the same table
4. Conditional formatting
To apply conditional formatting to the table and be able to visually see with colors what is most relevant to you, we have to click on the format icon:
And then configure the conditional formatting for each column of the table, you can choose which client you want the format to apply to, which metric, and finally, configure the parameters:
5. Export to Excel and Google Sheets
To export the table to Excel we have to click on the export button on the 3 dots next to the name of the table:
It is also possible to automate exports in Google Sheets, first you have to download our Sheets extension in the Google Marketplace
Next step is to launch the application:
Then log in with your Master Metrics credentials
Finally, choose "Overview" as Import Origin, choose if you want to download a table from "By client" or "By Campaign", then choose the table, and finally, how often you want it to be downloaded to sheets: