2. Click on + New Project
3. Type the address of your new project
Ex. 124 Test Drive (Client's Last Name)
4. Click on Save
5. Upload a plan, moodboard, or press "skip"
We encourage uploading a visual first, but you can always skip and get started without one.
6. Using Materio's Scope Starter, Select the rooms, baths, and locations on your project.
These provide some defaults, but you can always add more customized locations later
7. Click on Next
8. Select the categories of work to be done on this project
You can always add more custom categories later.
9. Select the items that are on your project within each location and category
Materio provides default selections, but you can always customize later
10. Click on Last Step, Which will take you to adding project markups
11. Select the type of markup you would like on your project and provide the percentage
12. Click on Create Outline
This will generate your initial project scope of work