Anticipated date for funding to be released: Summer 2025
Anticipated date
Spring 2025
Present draft CDBG-DR Action Plan to community for comments, revise as needed.
Submit to HUD for approval.
Anticipated date
Summer 2025
HUD approves Action Plan.
Funds to be disbursed to County of Maui.
Application intake begins.
Anticipated date
Fall 2025
County of Maui, along with various non-profits and other agencies, begin implementation of programs
The County is in the process of creating a required draft Action Plan that will outline how the federal funds will be spent. That plan will be presented to the community for review and feedback in Spring 2025. The County will then make any necessary revisions to the draft and submit a final Action Plan to HUD for approval. Once HUD approves the Action Plan, funds will be released to the County and program implementation can begin.
After appropriation by Congress, HUD will calculate and announce allocations, and publish a Federal Register Notice, which describes the rules, procedures, waivers, and alternative requirements governing the CDBG-DR program.
Once the County is announced as a formal grantee and is provided an allocation amount, the County shall:
Finalize and submit drafted financial management policies and certifications to HUD for approval.
Present a draft CDBG-DR Action Plan to the community at large for comments. The Action Plan includes a needs assessment, community and stakeholder engagement, and identification of activities that the grantee will undertake under its recovery or mitigation program. Action Plans also detail funding amounts, sources of other funds, and implementation partners.
Submit the CDBG-DR Action Plan with comments to HUD for approval.
Funds can only be disbursed to CDBG-DR grantees after HUD approves the CDBG-DR Action Plan.