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Training & Best Practices
Learn best practices to help increase performance!
Call Scripting Best Practices
Stages Defined | Best PracticesBest practices for defining Stages with Team!
Appointment Types & Outcomes- Best PracticesBest practices for defining Appointment Types and Outcomes to use with Team!
Maximizing Agent Success: Leveraging Maverick for Team Accountability and GrowthBest practices for recruiting, setting clear expectations and agent training
Agent 1:1 OutlineBest practices on using MaverickRE reports to drive productive, data-driven 1:1s with your agents.
Realtor in Residence Resource Hub
Resources from RIRs of MaverickRE
Daniel Keeton's Resources
Keeton & Co Lead Conversion SOPDaniel Keeton's Lead Conversion SOP
MaverickRE and Follow Up Boss (FUB) Configuration and Workflow Guide for Team LeadersBest practices on creating a consistent, automated follow-up process to keep agents accountable to their communication cadence.
Sales Manager Weekly WorkflowUse this framework to help you stay consistent with crucial tasks alongside your regular responsibilities.