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All CollectionsAuctions: Add/Edit Auctions
How to re-arrange your auctions and how they are displayed, and how to show/hide auctions to the pubic
How to re-arrange your auctions and how they are displayed, and how to show/hide auctions to the pubic
Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over 3 years ago

Rearrange the order of your auctions on your public pages:

When you log in to your admin panel, the default page is the current/active auction page as seen below. The order of the auctions by default is by the END DATE - the auction closing the soonest will display at the top, and the auction with the most amount of time remaining will display at the bottom. This is also how the auctions are displayed in your public auction calendar page.


To reorder these auctions, you can 'drag and drop' the auction titles as seen below. With your mouse, left click and hold an auction title, and drag it in the desired position.


At any time you can reset the order to the default End Date ordering by clicking on the blue 'sort by end date' button as seen below.


Hide/Show your auctions on your public pages:

You can also show or hide your auctions at any time. Current, Past, or Draft/Future auctions. Click on the Actions menu and select either Hide or Show. Under the status column a red colored 'hide' button will be visible if that auction is hidden.

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