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How to upload YouTube videos or documents (PDF/Word) to Item Descriptions or to Auctions
How to upload YouTube videos or documents (PDF/Word) to Item Descriptions or to Auctions
Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over 4 months ago

There are 2 areas where the admin can load Documents and Videos - to the Auction level, or to the Item level. Both are covered below:

Item Level Videos or Documents:

Upload your video to (or find your video) and then as seen below, click on the 'Share' button.


Next click on the 'Embed' option as seen here:


And simply click into the code box which will auto select all of the text. Use your keyboard or mouse to 'copy' this text (Control + C on your keyboard)


And in your admin panel:auctions:Items:Add/Edit item page, paste the code into the Video URL box as seen below. You can add more than 1 video by clicking on the '+Add More' button.


How to insert a Document into your Item description:

You can also add documents to the item level such a PDF, Excel, or Word doc. To this, simply go to the Add/Edit item page and scroll down to the DOCS section as seen below. Drag and drop your documents or click inside the box to use your computers file manager to find and select the document you'd like to upload and attach to your item.


Auction Level Videos or Documents:

The admin can also add videos or documents to the auction level.

  • Videos: In the new Videos tab, there is a green colored 'Add' button.

    The admin can then go to, find the video, click on the 'Share' icon, and then select the 'Embed' option as seen below. Copy ALL of this Embed Video code.

    • Once the video has been added, the admin must click on the Actions menu and then 'show video' option to make it visible on the public auction pages.

    • The video will now appear on the public auction pages like this:

Documents: The Auction Dashboard 'Documents' tab can be used to load auction level documents such as .PDF, .DOC, etc. When the admin uploads the document, they must click on the Actions menu and select the 'Show Document' option in order for the document to appear on the public auction pages.

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