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Integrated Inventory & Photo Loader: Create items 1 by 1
Integrated Inventory & Photo Loader: Create items 1 by 1

built in interface to quickly and easily add new inventory items to your auction

Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over 2 years ago

Add Inventory items one at a time through the Admin:Auction:Items tab.

To add inventory items one at a time, go to the Auctions page, and click on the title of your auction. From the auction dashboard, click on the 'Items' tab and then click on the green colored 'Add' button. The following page will appear:

Highlight/important info from this page (top to bottom):

  • The Item Number will pre-populate with the next available item# in the sequence. You can change the item# to any number you want except you cannot have duplicate item#'s. Item#'s can have special characters such as a period or dash or alpha characters.

  • The Item Name is optional but it displays at the top of the item listing and stands out as a quick/short description of the item.

  • The Category is required. An item can have multiple categories. A new category can be added from this page by clicking on the + symbol on the far right.

  • The Location (Pull Report) field is optional. If text is entered into this field, it will be displayed in the Pull Report for the Invoice after the auction is completed. Clients can also set an optional toggle switch in the Public Page Configuration to make this Location field visible to the public on the bidding pages.

  • Photos for the item can be added at the bottom of the page. There are other ways to load photos as well.

Once you are finished with adding the new inventory item, at the top and bottom of the page you have 4 options:

  • Save. This saves your work and keeps you on the same page.

  • Save & Close. Saves your work and takes you back to the Items page.

  • Save & Duplicate. Any form field that has a green checkbox will be duplicated in the next item. There is a 'select all' option where you can easily duplicate everything including photos.

  • Save & New. Saves your work and creates a new item# with the next sequential number.

There is also a sub-menu with:
Previous Item | Next Item | All Items | Go To Items

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