Public Page: New Auction level 'announcements' box which is controlled through the admin panel Add/Edit auction page. The admin can now display custom messages with important info to the public on the auction inventory pages.
Admin:Auctions:Items: On the Add/Edit ITEM page, the admin can now click the 'save' button to save the updates to that item without leaving the page.
Admin:Auctions:Invoicing: added ability for admin to edit an invoice after the status has been updated to partially or fully paid
Admin:Auctions:Invoicing: New Group Actions for bulk recording Cash and Other payment types
Admin:Auctions:Settlements: Settlements can now be generated/edited much easier. Now the admin can assign an item to a consignor even after the auction has been ended.
Admin:Auctions:Invoicing: Updated the Bulk Emailing of invoices process to limit performance issues
Admin:Auctions:Settlements: Added ability for admin to delete a payment associated to a Settlement report
Admin:Auctions:Settlements: The user#/consignor# is now displayed on the Settlement report PDF
Public: Bidder Password: fixed an issue with the hashtag (#) which is now allowed in the password
Admin:Auctions:Items: Select All: Group Actions: Delete - now deletes all items, not just items on the first page
Admin:Auctions:Items:Excel Download: Excel file edited to allow for AUTOSUM capabilities (getting column totals in excel)
Admin:Auctions:Items:Excel: Now allows for hyperlinks using <a href="xxxx">link text</a> HTML tags.
Public Page: Page Titles in web browser are now customizable
Public Page: Images: A new mouse-over magnifying glass to zoom in on pictures
Public Page: numerous updates/bug fixes and performance enhances for a better bidder experience.

Written by Dan
Updated over 3 years ago