We've updated the Mobile App for Android & Apple versions:
Large Image Option: There is a new Toggle switch located in the menu (upper right corner) called 'S3 Upload' which can be turned ON or OFF. If set to ON, the App will take and upload the FULL SIZE and RESOLUTION of the images directly to the Amazon image hosting server. If the S3 Upload is set to OFF, the system will reduce the size and dimensions of the photos.
Primary Images: You can now drag and drop the items images to change the primary photo or change the order of the photos as they are seen by the bidders.
This system updates includes the following:
Public: Bidder Profile: New 'Communications' Tab - a new section has been added to the bidders profile with checkboxes for turning ON/OFF outbid notification emails and subscribe to email alerts. Bidders can now completely disable outbid notification emails. Bidders can also opt-out of any marketing emails.
Public: Watch List on mobile devices - an issue was fixed where the Lot Status filter was not clickable on some devices.
Public: Bidder Profile Update: New Email to Admin - if a bidder makes a change to their bidder profile, the admin will receive an Email that lists out what was changed. This info is also saved in the Admin:Users:Bidder Profile:Notes.
Public: Bidder Profile: Payment Methods - if a bidder removes a credit card on file, the system will force them to add a new credit card before doing so.
Public: Auction: Inventory: Navigation - an issue was fixed in which a non-logged in user would sometimes click to bid on an item, be prompted to log-in, and once logged in, was redirected elsewhere. The bidder will now stay on the same page they were on.
Public: New Bidder Registration Form - a small tweak to the shipping/billing address form field layouts for easier user input.
Admin: Auction: Images: Delete All - a new option has been added to the Images tab that allows the Admin to bulk delete all images for all items in the auction.
Admin:Auctions:Draft Auctions: Delete Auction - a new option has been added to the Actions menu that allows the Admin to delete/remove an auction that's in the Draft status.
Admin: GoToAdmin: Permissions: Download Items Report - a new permission has been added for the ability to download the auction Items Report.
Admin: GoToAdmin: Permissions: Bidder & Consignor permissions - all fields are now checked by default for both bidder & consignor roles.
Admin: Auction: Items: Add/Edit Items: Save & Duplicate - a bug was fixed where if you click on the Item Name to edit an item, the Auction Name was not carrying over if you were to use the Save & Duplicate feature.
Admin: Auctions: Items: Edit Item: Categories - a bug was fixed where categories that were removed from the item were added back if you used the 'previous' or 'next' item buttons.
Admin: Auction: Settlements: Bulk Email - a bug was fixed where if the Admin uses the Group Actions to bulk email multiple Settlement reports.