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Auction Types

How to add and use auction types

Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over 2 years ago

How to add a new auction Type:

You can add new Auction Types in 2 ways:

  • From the left hand menu, you can choose Auction Types. From here there is a green 'Add' button in the upper right hand corner.

  • When you are in the Add/Edit auction page, you can add a new Auction Type.

Once you add a new Type, it will added to the Types drop down menu on the Add/Edit auction page.

Example Auction Types include:
Online Only, Personal Property, Real Estate, Antiques, etc.
An auction can have multiple Types.

How to use Auction Types:

In the Admin panel, you can go to Configurations: Public Page Configuration. In the 'Content' section, there is a dropdown menu called, 'Category Label'. The options are:

  • Choose Type

  • Choose Category

  • Choose Location

  • Choose Seller

  • Choose State

Whichever option you choose will be what is shown to the public on your auction calendar page (page of your current auctions). The public/bidders can use the drop down menu and make a selection, or multiple selections/types, and press the 'GO' button to the right. The page that generates will display only the auctions that match the selected Auction Type(s).

This page also has a static URL that can be shared and has a number of uses.

ExampleA: Some clients like to use the Types to drive potential bidders to specific auctions. If you sell both commercial and personal property, you can add hyperlinks to your homepage to direct traffic interested in only personal property Type auctions for example.

Larger clients with multiple locations can set 'Category Label' from the Public Page Configuration to 'Choose Location' or 'Choose State'. Each auction they create gets the appropriate Auction Type, and then you can drive traffic to the specific set of auctions that match those types.

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