Marking Items as either shipped or picked up is done through the ITEMS tab.
You will probably want to use the grey colored 'FILTER' button to narrow the results down to a specific bidder. The Filter has additional options to show the Bid Status of items with Bids, or if an item is Fully Paid.
Once the items have been filtered down, you can checkmark all of the items and then use the Group Actions button and select either:
Manage Pickup Info
Manage Shipping Info
If you use the Manage Pickup Info option: You can input the Pickup Date, the Picked By name, and the Notes.
If you use the Manage Shipping Info option: You can set the shipped date, the tracking#, the courier service, and optional notes.
The Group Actions has a 'Delete Shipping/Pickup Info' option to remove any previously entered information on an item(s).