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Pull Report

A report with the physical location of inventory items

Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over 2 years ago

Maxanet has an optional Pull Report feature which is used by most clients at the end of the auction to assist with the auction pickup. Each inventory item can have a 'location' and then at the conclusion of the auction each bidder invoice has an optional pull report that lists out the Item#'s and the 'location' of the items.

To add the 'Location' field to the inventory items:

  • In the ITEMS tab, you can edit an existing item, or Add a new item. There is a field on the form called, 'Location (Pull Report)'.

  • In the MS EXCEL file (Items tab: Lot Actions, Download Inventory in Excel Sheet), the Location field is in column# Q.

To access the Pull Report after the auction is over:

  • From the Auction Dashboard, go to the Invoices tab. The 3dot Action menu in the far right column has an option called, 'Download Invoice Pull Report PDF'.

IMPORTANT OPTION: In the Configurations: Public Page Configuration page there is a toggle switch called, 'Display Location' which can be turned ON/OFF.

  • If this setting is turned ON, it means that the Location for each item is appended to the item description and shown to the bidders on the public pages. It will also be added to the bidder invoice.

  • If this setting is turned OFF, it means that the Location for each item is not visible to the public, and it's not added to the invoice. The Location will only be shown to the admin in the Pull Report which is found from the Invoices Tab: Action Menu for each Invoice.

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