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Bidder Profile

List of features available to Bidders through their profile

Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over 2 years ago

Note: the Admin can control what features are available to their bidders through the Admin: GoToAdmin: Roles & Permissions: Bidder page.

A Registered Bidder has the following features available to them in their Bidder Profile by default:

  • Basic Information: Change their password, first/last name, email, ph#, address, shipping address.

  • Bids: A list of all bids placed by the bidder

  • BuyNow: A list of all BuyNow items purchased by the bidder

  • Invoices: A list of all invoices including the invoice#, the auction title, the amount, amount paid, status of invoice. The actions menu also gives the Bidder the ability to make their own payment (MaxanetPay users only) and to download either the Summary or Detailed invoice PDF

  • Payments: A list of all payments recorded

  • Payment Methods (MaxanetPay): Lists the credit cards on file and the ability to add additional payment methods or delete existing payment methods

A Registered Bidder also has a Global Watchlist which is accessible by clicking on their Bidder# in the upper right corner of the public auction pages. The global watchlist has a menu across the top which allows the bidder to filter the results. Current vs Ended Auctions, Specific Auction, Open vs Ended items. Bidders can place bids directly through this global watchlist.

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