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New Bidder Registration Questions
New Bidder Registration Questions
Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over a week ago

In the Admin>Configurations>Bidder Registration Configuration page, there are new tools to add custom questions that bidders will see when they are registering for a new bidder number.

To add a new question, navigate to the Admin>Configurations>Registration Questions page. Here you can add/edit/delete your custom Questions.

When you click Add, to create a new Question, there are multiple 'Types' of questions you can add - Radio Button, Text Input Box, Multiple Choice Checkbox, and Single Checkbox.

For example, if you want to pose a Question and allow for a custom answer that the Bidder types in, select the 'Text Input Box' option.

If you want to ask how your bidders heard about your website, use the 'Drop Down' or 'Radio Button' Types, and use the 'Add Options' button to add the Answers that the bidders can choose from.

Once you've added/saved your Questions, go back to the Admin>Configurations>Bidder Registration Configurations tab and click on the green colored, 'Add Question' button. Click your mouse in the Questions box and you will see the Names of the available questions that can be added.

Once added, you can make the Question required by clicking on the 'Make/Mandatory/Required' checkbox.

The answers to the Bidders registration questions are posted in the Admin>Users>User Profile>Notes tab. The answers are also added to the Excel file from the Admin>Users>Users>Export option for quick reference.

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