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Private Auctions

How to create a Private Auction that only pre-approved bidders can bid on

Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over 8 months ago

When "Private Auction" is selected, an admin must add registered Users to the Auction before the User is able to place a bid.

How to enable Private Auction:

Navigate to the Auctions menu and find the desired auction. Click the 3 dots on the right side of the Auction Name to open the Actions Menu. From the dropdown click "Edit Auction."

In the Add/Edit Auction page, select the checkbox called, 'Private Auction' as seen below, and be sure to click Update at the bottom of the page to save the selection.

When the Private Auction is checked/enabled, and you save the auction, there will be a 'Private Bidders' tab in the Auction Dashboard as seen below. Click on the Private Bidders tab to view the list of bidders or to add a registered User.

How to add a User to a Private Auction:

To add a User as an approved bidder, click on the green 'Add' button and begin typing in the User's name. Select the desired User and click the green save button.

The User will then appear on the list of approved Bidders for this Private Auction and may begin placing bids.

Any bidder who is NOT on this list will not be able to place a bid - they will receive a warning message when attempting to bid that states they must contact you.

To Remove a User from a Private Auction:

Under the Private Bidders tab on your Auction Dashboard, click the 3 dots on the right side of the Users name to open the Actions Menu. Click Delete.

Private Auction Suggestions:

Add an Announcement to the Auction so that potential Bidders know that this is a Private Auction and they will need to be approved before being allowed to bid. Give them instructions on how to request approval, such as who to contact and what is needed.

To set an Announcement, navigate to the Auctions menu and find the desired auction. Click the 3 dots on the right side of the Auction Name to open the Actions Menu. From the dropdown click "Edit Auction."

From the Edit Auction page, scroll to the bottom of the page and find the Announcement field. Enter the desired message and be sure to click Update to save your entry.

It will appear on the top of your Auction page as seen here:

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