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Notification requirement for charging station

More information about the notification duty of a charging station.

Manon Lambert avatar
Written by Manon Lambert
Updated over a week ago

Declaring your charging station is compulsory. To find out more, read how to declare your charging station according to your region and network operator.

To whom do I report the installation of my charging station?


In Flanders, Fluvius is the responsible grid operator. You can send the declaration of your private electric car charging station via Fluvius Meldingsplicht.


In Brussels, Sibelga is the grid operator. You can report the installation of your charging station online via Sibelga.


There are several grid operators in Wallonia.

  • ORES manages most of Wallonia. You can report the charging station via the website Electric charging station declaration form.

  • RESA is responsible for the province of Liège. Report the installation using the Recharging point declaration form.

What can I do if my commune is not one of the network operators listed in Wallonia?

If your commune is not covered by ORES or RESA, there are other grid operators such as AIEG, AIESH and REW. In this case, contact your distribution network operator to discuss the next steps.

Where can I find out more about installing a charging station in my area?

For more information on the installation of charging stations in your area, we recommend that you contact your local grid operator. They will provide you with the latest information on procedures and requirements.

What should I do if I can't find a link to my local grid operator?

If you can't find a link to the network operator in your area, contact your distribution network operator. They will be able to help you and provide you with the information you need.

We hope we've answered some of your questions. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact your local grid operator.

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