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How can I sell mix & match flower deli style using an integrated scale in Meadow?
How can I sell mix & match flower deli style using an integrated scale in Meadow?

Meadow's advanced features enable selling flower in ways that appeal to your best (and biggest) customers.

Updated over 4 months ago

Sell your flower deli style, within or across pricing tiers, with an integrated scale and custom weight tolerances.

Why your customers will love it

Prepacked flower may be great for inventory and regulatory purposes (most states require it), but it lacks the romance of a big bag, jar or pile of fresh terpy nugs you can point your nose at.

There's a reason that deli style is making a comeback in the most mature and competitive markets (like Colorado and Michigan) - people love to pick flowers! So how does this work in Meadow?


First, what does this jargon mean, exactly? It helps to define some words up front.

Pricing tiers are how you set your prices per level (gram weight). They determine how much a customer pays when buying any amount of products in that tier.

Want to give price breaks and charge a lower price per gram above 3.5g, 7g, 14g and 28g? Use pricing tiers to set the price per gram at each level.

Whether you have complex mix and match pricing across a dozen tiers, or a simple approach with two or three pricing shelves, set as many or as few tiers as needed for your pricing strategy with Meadow's flexible deli style pricing.

  • Pricing tiers are made up of pricing levels (how much is charged per gram for a specified weight or range) and a mix and match setting (does the weight of the products add together for pricing, or is each priced independently of other products). We'll go over the options and how to set them up below.

  • In the image above, we set up a "Gold Tier" of products that are all priced the same and allow mix and match across the products.

  • When a customer buys 3.55g of Blue Dream, they pay $25. If they bought a quarter each of all four products (7.1g * 4), they'd pay the tier ounce price ($140). This is calculated based on the pricing tier's levels.

Pricing tier levels

Pricing tiers are composed of levels, where the price per weight is set up.

  • Level Weight
    This is the weight for the pricing level, for example 3.5g. When a customer buys this amount (or more) of flower, they will pay the gram weight multiplied by this gram price. In the image above, a customer buying 3.5g would pay $25.

  • Tolerance
    Tolerance is the amount of padding to allow for above the level weight when calculating pricing. When a customer buys a little bit over 3.5g, what happens?

    • If this value is left blank, any product weighed out is priced at the exact gram weight - 3.54g would be $25.29 instead of $25.

    • If this value is 0.5g, any weight between 3.5g to 4g would be priced at $25.

  • Price and Sales Price
    Set the total price for this weight level.

    • (Optional) set a lower sales price to display a strikethrough of the original price.

  • Price Per Gram
    This value is automatically calculated for you, showing the price (and any sales price) divided by the gram weight. This helps keep track of the unit price of product in level.


  • In the image above, a customer buying 3.5g to 4g of this product would pay $25 (3.5g plus the tolerance of 0.5g).

  • If a customer buys more than 4g (above the tolerance), they pay $7.14 per gram - so if a customer buys 4.9g of this product, they would be charged ~$35 (4.9 * $7.14)

Mix & Match

Mix & Match refers to the ability to give your customers a price break according to their total purchase weight across multiple products (based on tier type). It is frequently used to promote specific products or increase average ticket size.

  • Mix and match pricing is controlled using tier types, which determine how product weight is used for calculating pricing. Pricing tiers can be set to one of three tier types:

    • None - price is calculated using only individual product weight only.

    • Tier - price is calculated by adding together all product weights at the tier level.

    • Global - price is calculated by adding together all product weights across products in multiple global tiers.

  • To set different prices per weight that only apply to a single product, select "none." This is used to give a price break for bigger purchases at the product level only.

  • To set prices based on the weight of every product on a specific shelf, select "tier."

  • To set prices based on the weight of all products across shelves, select "global."

How to get set up

Pricing tiers are set up in Meadow Admin under Products in Pricing Tiers.

  • First, choose your pricing strategy and start creating your tiers! Test out with a small number of products to confirm you've set up the pricing you want.

  • Pricing tiers must be selected when creating a product. Once a product has been set up with another pricing type, it can't be changed to tiered pricing later.

  • If you have questions about setting up pricing tiers, reach out to our support team for using the help chat in Meadow Admin for assistance!

Example Pricing Tier Strategies

Mix & Match Pricing - only within tiers

  • If multiple pricing tiers are created (type is "tier") and those tiers contain multiple products, this will allow mix and match pricing for products within each tier (but not between tiers). For example:

    • If a customer buys a half ounce of two products in pricing tier A, they'd get the tier A ounce price.

    • If a customer buys a half ounce of two products in pricing tier B, they'd get the tier B ounce price.

    • If they buy a half ounce from tier A and a half ounce from tier B, they do not get the mix and match ounce discount.

Mix & Match Pricing - across tiers (global)

  • If multiple pricing tiers are created (type is "global"), this will allow mix and match pricing for products across those tiers. For example:

    • If a customer buys any of the "global" products, that weight will be counted towards the total used for pricing.

    • An ounce in any combination of weights from these products will receive the price break

Mix & Match Pricing - combine tier and global pricing

  • If "tier" and "global" pricing tiers are both set up simultaneously, they will calculate independently of one another:

    • In the example below, a pricing strategy of "mix & match discounts on all flower (excluding top shelf)" is set up.

    • If a customer buys 4 eighths of flower that are in "global" pricing tiers, they would be charged the half ounce. If one of those eighths was in the top shelf pricing tier, they would not get the half ounce price break.

How do deli style sales work at POS?

Point of sale allows for easy sales of deli style flower: products (and packages) can be selected using a scanner or manually from the product list.

  • The product weight can be entered using an integrated scale or manually on the iPad screen.

  • Once a product has been added to the cart, a label will print for that product.

  • Pricing will be calculated according to the pricing tier levels of the products.

How does this work for my online customers?

  • Customers ordering from your online menu will only see the pre-set tier levels (weights) you have created for the pricing tier of each product.

  • This amount can be edited when weighing the order.


  • This feature is only available in states with regulations that allow the wholesale purchase (or production) of bulk flower by retailers for packaging at point of sale. This is not compliant in most states, such as California; please check your state's laws & regulations to confirm before conducting deli style sales.

  • Products can't be edited to change the pricing type after creation (e.g. from tiers to option pricing). However, tier pricing products can change the tier they are in.

  • Deli style sales and other inventory transactions are only supported to the hundredth of a gram (0.01g).

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