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Sponsors and Partners module
Adrian Czyczerski avatar
Written by Adrian Czyczerski
Updated over a week ago

Partners and Sponsors of your Event

When organizing an event, additional support is provided by its Partners, Sponsors or Media Patrons. Make sure to highlight their presence and role by creating their profiles in the event app.

Adding categories

If you want to add new partners to the list, select the Content tab in the top menu, followed by the Partners/Sponsors module from the side menu. Then, at the bottom of the page, select (+) Add your first category for Partners/Sponsors and enter the name under which the group of partners will be visible.

The created categories allow you to divide sponsors and partners into any subgroups, e.g. gold, silver, media patron, honorary patron. The category name will be visible to event guests, so make sure it sounds representative:

Using the asterisks located under the category name Select priority size, you set the gradation of Partners and Patrons size. The bigger the selected star is, the more important Patrner and therefore bigger their logos will be displayed on the Landing Page and in the Application. For example, the largest star is a logo at half the width of the Patrners/Sponsors module, the medium star is a logo at 1/3 the width of the module and the smallest star is a logo at 1/4 the width.

This gradation will allow you to customize your affiliate benefits and display them appropriately on the Landing Page and in the Application:


Click and hold on a category and this will allow you to drag it to another place in the list, thus swapping the order of the displayed categories. While you can change the order of partners in the same way, you will not move a partner's profile between categories:

Adding Partner / Sponsor Profiles

Pod odpowiednią kategorią wybierz “(+) Dodaj profil partnera”, aby utworzyć nowy profil. Do jego utworzenia niezbędna jest tylko nazwa. Pozostałe pola są opcjonalne, warto jednak dodać więcej informacji, jak np. opis, stronę internetową czy logotyp.

  • CONTACT PERSON ON EVENT - by selecting the icon (+) next to this option, you go to the creation of the partner's representative profile. In addition to the first and last name, it is also possible to enter contact information, description and photo:

  • CONTACT INFORMATION - you can add general contact information for the company, by inserting an email address or phone number into this section. Decide also whether this data should be public. Selecting the Logged-in only button, will make them visible only to logged-in participants of the event.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA - add links to your partner's social media profiles. Also decide whether you want to display these links only for logged-in attendees. If so, selecting Logged-in only will make them visible only to logged-in participants of the event.


The aggregate method of entering partner data is the import option described in the article: "Importing Partners into Meeting Application". The manual also contains information about entering data in additional language layers

Additional exposure of Partners and Sponsors

Care to increase the visibility of the presence of some Partners and Sponsors? Use other available features of our product for this purpose, such as:

  • Banner module - allow you to add promotional banners in selected modules, with the ability to take the user to an external website.

  • Push Notification module - get the attention of all participants by sending a notification with the partner's message. It can also include an option to redirect the participant to the indicated content, such as a promotional code, an invitation to a booth or information about a dedicated action or zone.

Have a successful event with Meeting Application!

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