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Custom Emails
Adrian Czyczerski avatar
Written by Adrian Czyczerski
Updated over a week ago

The Custom Emails module is where you can personalize and categorize the emails sent to your event participants. You can set not only the text, but also the welcome graphic, thematically tailored to your event.

Types of the Custom Emails

This module allows you to create custom emails, such as:

  • Welcome email (new users) - an email sent to new users who are not in the Meeting Application database and have not yet activated their account.

  • Welcome email (registered users) - an email sent to users who are already in the Meeting Application database and have an active account because they have participated in another event.

  • Ticket email - a message sent to attendees who have registered for your event through a paid or free ticket.

  • Exhibitor moderator email - a message sent to users who have been assigned exhibitor moderator status, by the event organizer. Learn more about the exhibitor moderator function in this article.

  • Invoice email - a message sent to participants who requested an invoice at the ticket purchase stage.


The content of each type of email should always be prepared because they are sent automatically by the System depending on the type of user or activity.

How to add the selected type of Custom Emails?

To start editing the content of the email and to add a graphic file for the banner, go to the Custom Emails module in the Manage section. First, expand the list with email types and select the type you are interested in:

Then check the Enabled checkbox, in the upper right corner, to proceed to edit the selected email type.


By default, in each email type, the sample title and content are set in English. When you change the language of the application, the content in the Custom Emails module is not translated automatically. The content of each message must be written in the selected language of the event. All email communication is conducted in one language to all users, regardless of the number of language layers and the selected application language. To send an email in all the languages used during the event, you need to write the same text in different languages in the body of the email.

You can use the sample content and translate it into the language of your choice, or add your own text, tailored to the nature of the event and the target group of participants.

Emails will be sent to users automatically when they perform a specific action, such as registering for the Meeting Application System or buying a ticket.

How to edit the content of a message?

In order to create a personalized content of the message sent to the participants, you can edit the ready-made content of the email or create your own in the Create custom email place. The subject of the email is filled in automatically while you should pay attention to personalize it for the participants of your event. Below the title there is a window for creating and editing the main content. Here, as an administrator, you have the freedom to customize the content of the email - from editing the text to adding images or active links. It is also possible to personalize the welcome phrase. You can choose whether the content of the message will begin with the first name, first and last name or another form of phrase is the participant. You can choose this form from a drop-down list, and the system will substitute it by pulling data from the database:

In the body of the email, you can also add a dedicated CTA button, when clicked, the participant will be taken to the selected link. You can edit its appearance, content and position by clicking the (+) icon:


If you want to delete the last changes you made, click the Undo button. You can also delete the contents of a prepared email and restore it to the settings from the beginning of editing by clicking the Restart button. Restarting the changes is also possible after saving them in advance.

How to check the content of a written email?

Below the editor is a window with a preview of the email, where all the changes you make are updated in real time. This allows you to check if the email content you have edited is as you intended. If you have made changes and in the preview of the email you can see the content in the correct way click Save. In the next step, you have the option to send a test email to see exactly how the target email will look in the email program. To send such an email, go to the top of the panel and click Send test email - the message will be sent to the email address used to log into the Administration Panel:


Keep in mind that when you add a graphic to the body of an email, it may be blocked by the individual settings of the email programs used by event participants.

Have a successful event with Meeting Application!

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