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Registration forms
Marek Kowalik avatar
Written by Marek Kowalik
Updated over a week ago

What are registration forms and how to use them?

When selling tickets for an event, event organizers collect contact information and additional information from attendees. Under Create>Access, there is a Ticket Forms tab that allows you to create additional forms that collect data from your attendees. Once you have created the forms, you can link them to the corresponding tickets in the Tickets tab. For information on adding tickets, see the article Tickets.

This module can be used as an effective tool to collect detailed information about your participants. In the form you can ask about the type of diet, T-shirt size or ask what attractions of your event are of particular interest to a specific participant. Thanks to this solution, you can be sure that you have all the information important from the perspective of organizing the event in one place.


In each event, when registering participants we collect the following information by default: First Name, Last Name and Email Address. All the other information you have to configure on your own.

Adding registration forms

To create a new form, go to the Ticket Forms tab under Create>Access and click Create Form, add its name and save:

You can add several types of fields to the form. Click Add Field, and then select the field you are interested in from the list:

The details of the form field will open in a new window. There are three basic fields duplicated in each of them: Input Type, ID and Name.

  • Input type - determines the type of field to be filled in, which will be added to the form, descriptions of which are given below in this article

  • ID - is the individual name of the selected field. This is information visible only in the admin panel. You can change its name so that in the process of creating the form it corresponds to the content you want to get, for example, in a text field it can be the name of the position or the name of the company. If there is a field in another form to collect the same data, copy its ID into that place.

    With a consistent field name, the data from both forms will be visible in the same column when exporting data in the Users section.

  • Name - is the individual name of the selected field visible to the user when filling out the form. The content of the label should be short and clear enough for the user to know what data to enter in this field. In the case of the CHECKBOX and INFORMATION field, this will be its text.

When creating each of the form fields, you can specify whether they will be required or optional to fill in. To change a required field to optional, move the Required slider to the left. This will disable the required option and allow you to purchase a ticket or register without filling in the field so selected:

Information such as First Name, Last Name and E-mail address are added automatically to be filled in at the first step of purchasing tickets. If you add fields with the above information to the form, the person making the purchase will have to enter the same data twice.

Types of ticket form fields


The first type of field that can be added to the form is TEXT. This is an easy-to-fill field that collects short data in text form, such as the name of a position or company:


Another field is TEXT-AREA, which is used to collect longer text information, such as for example the name and description of the position held, the answer to a contest question or the bio of the participant - in case of events with pre-selection:


The PHONE_NUMBER field allows you to get the user's contact number, which provides contact between the organizer and the participants of his event, and also allows you to inform about unexpected changes during the event. When purchasing a ticket, the customer enters their phone number along with a prefix, which is available for selection from a list:


In the DROPDOWN field, you have the option to add several choices for the participant, such as T-shirt size, number of accompanying persons or age ranges. Click the Add New Option button and add as many versions as you need:

There is also a multiple choice option, in which case the event participant can select more than one option. If you want to add such an option - move the Multi select slider to the right:


Placeholder is a field that defines the text visible before the user selects an option. Add text here, e.g. Choose from the list..., which will be visible before the person buying the ticket expands the available list:

In the Default option index field, you have the option to select the option that will be automatically selected when entering the form. Type manually or set with the arrows, on the right side of the field, which option you want to select in turn. This feature allows you to suggest or set a commonly selected option for the user to make it easier for him to fill out the form. In most cases, this field should be left blank to give the participant complete freedom of choice:

An additional option is to allow the user to provide his own answer when none of the predefined values satisfies him. Dropdown allows the user to display the Other option, which, when checked, will display an additional text box in which you can specify your answer:


CHECKBOX is a field that allows the user to select or deselect an option. This field is most often used to check consents, such as the terms and conditions of an event or marketing consent, for example.


In this type of field, you can add only one option to be checked. If you want to add more than one checkbox in your form, then you need to add more fields of the same type from the Add Field dropdown list in the Ticket Forms module.

In the Checkbox text field, enter the text that will be displayed next to the checkbox. Here you can add interactive text that, if clicked, will redirect the user to the added address, e.g. pdf regulations. In the place where you want to add a link, insert {} by typing a number in the middle bracket starting with the number 0. Then click Add new interactive text:

There are two fields:

  • Interactive Text: type what should display in place of the curly bracket from the Checkbox text.

  • Link: here insert the link to which the user will be redirected after clicking on the highlighted text.


The number in the first bracket you add must be 0. If you want to add more clickable text, insert numbers in brackets sequentially 1, 2, 3,.... :

In case the added text is too long, you can use the text collapse function. To do this, move the Collapse text slider to the right. For example, in the Checkbox text field, type "Read more", and in the Collapse text field, what will appear when the text is expanded. You can also include interactive text in the collapsed text, with a link to an external page, using the curly brackets described above in the Interactive Text section:


The COUNTRY field allows you to select a country from a drop-down list. It can be used, for example, to select the participant's country of residence:


The DATE field allows the event participant to select a day from the calendar. This can be the date of birth, for example, in the case of events for adults:


The RADIO field allows the user a single-choice option. If any of the values are selected, the rest are automatically deselected.

Add any number of items using the Add New Option button and name them:


You can use this field in the form, for example, when selecting a diet. If catering for attendees is anticipated at your event, when filling out the form the user can select only one type of diet from the available options - an attendee selecting a vegan diet will simultaneously deselect a meat diet, and vice versa.


The INFORMATION field is designed for adding additional information for participants, for example, location details such as directions or information about available parking, as well as contact information for participants who want to contact the organizer with questions or concerns. You can provide a phone number or email address.

In the Name field, enter the appropriate text. You can also create an interactive text here. To do so, insert curly brackets with the appropriate number in the Name field. Then click on the Add New Interactive Text bar and fill in the available fields in the same way as for the CHECKBOX or RADIO fields:

If the content of the field is too long, you can use the text folding function by moving the Collapse Text slider to the right.

This field also allows you to add your own HTML code. To do so, move the Has html slider to the right, and then add the appropriate code in the html information field.

Dodawanie reguł

Each field type in Tickets forms has an option to add rules that are responsible for the visibility of a specific field. This function is used to determine whether and what content will be displayed when selecting/entering the selected field information from Tickets forms.

To add a rule, click the Add Rule button:

The Include / Exclude button conditions the operation of rules and the visibility of fields. If the Include button is checked, the rule will take effect for all fields that have a fixed text value or information. On the other hand, the Exclude button works for all fields that do not have a set value.


The ability to add rules depends on the types of fields added earlier. For example, if a COUNTRY field has NOT been added to the form, you will not be able to set a Field Country rule conditioning the visibility of a dependent field, which is the COUNTRY field. We recommend that you add all the fields in the form first, and set the visibility rules as the last step.


The first type of rule is Locale. On the Landing Page of the event, in the upper right corner, you can select the language of the page from the drop-down list. The number of languages to choose from depends on the number of language layers added in the admin panel. When you select Include and choose English, the given field will be visible only to users who have selected the English version of the Landing Page:


Add a field of type TEXT, in place of Name, type "How did you find out about this event in Poland?". Then add a rule of the Languages type, check the Include button and select English. If the participant has the English version of the Landing Page set, this question will be displayed:

For the Polish version of the event's Landing Page, this field is not visible:

Field value text

Another rule is the Field value text. In the field Texts to find which make the field visible (separate values by comma), enter the set text value that will condition the rule. The dependent field of this rule is the TEXT or TEXT_AREA field. Select one of the two options from the list, and in the next field enter the text that will make the field visible:


Add a field of type TEXT and in the Name field, type "Select a category for event participation (Participant/Speaker/Moderator)":

Then add a TEXT_AREA field with the name "Enter the title and description of the lecture". Click Add Rule. Select a rule of type Field value text and press Include. In the Dependent field, select the TEXT type field you just added, and in the next field, type "Speaker" and save the changes:

Jeśli uczestnik podczas wypełniania formularza wpisze jako kategorię Prelegent, pojawi mu się do uzupełnienia pole z informacjami o tematyce prelekcji:

If the person enters Participant or Moderator, this field will not be displayed.

Field value index

The next rule is the Field value index. The dependent expandable field in this case is the DROPDOWN field. Depending on which selection options have been added in the DROPDOWN field, the same values will be displayed in the dropdown list. The selection of an option in the dropdown determines the visibility of the field in which this rule was added:


Add a field of type DROPDOWN. In the Name, type "What kind of transportation will you use to get to the event?". Then fill in the Placeholder and add Dropdown options:

In the next step, add an INFORMATION field, in the Name enter "Check the timetable of the lines running to the event" and add Interactive Text:

Add Rule and select a rule of type Field value index. Click Include and from the drop-down list of dependent fields select the dropdown you added earlier and the specific option. In this case, it will be the Bus option:

If a participant filling out the registration form, selects bus as a means of transportation, he will be shown a message with a redirect to an external page with schedules of specific bus lines:

Field not empty

The Field not empty rule applies to every field type, except for the INFORMATION field. This rule works when any of the selected fields is optional. If the user fills it - another field will be displayed, according to the established rule. To do this, select from the drop-down list which field to condition visibility:


Add a TEXT type field, in Name type "Specify your preferrence for the type of meal:". Mark this field as optional by moving the Required slider to the left:

Then add a new text field and mark as not required. In Name, type "Specify any food allergies." Click Add Rule and select from the drop-down list the rule type Field not empty. As a dependent field, select the text box you added earlier with the preferred meal type and save the changes:

This will ensure that when a participant registers for an event after entering a preferred meal type, another optional field with possible food allergies will be displayed to them.

Field boolean value

The logical value of the field is a rule with CHECKBOX as its dependent field. The condition for visibility of this field is to check the True or False checkbox:


Add a CHECKBOX type field with the text "I am interested in receiving a free album from the conference":

Then add a field of type TEXT_AREA and in the name type "Provide shipping address:". Add a rule of the type Field boolean value, visible when True and a dependent field of the checkbox added earlier:

This way, on the Landing Page of the event in the ticket forms, the user, after checking the checkbox with the request to receive a free album from the conference, will be shown a text field to enter the address for shipment:

Field country

The next rule is Field country. Its dependent field is the COUNTRY. Select from the drop-down list of available countries for which the field should be visible or invisible. This field will be displayed only to participants who select the specified country in the COUNTRY field:


Add a field of type COUNTRY, and in the Name enter "Place of residence":

Then add a TEXT field, and in the Name type "State". Click Add Rule and select the Field country rule. As the Dependent field, select the field with the place of residence you added earlier. In the Countries that will make the field visible, select the United States from the drop-down list of countries:

This will prompt the participant who selects the United States as their place of residence to fill in another field which is to specify a State:

Field Date

The last rule is the Field Date, and its dependent field is DATE. Select a specific date, and then set the visibility of the field for all dates occurring before or after the selected date. If the question applies only to adults, set the visibility of the field for all people whose date of birth occurs before the set threshold date. This way, the field will not be visible to minors:


Add a field of type DATE, and enter "Date of birth" in the Name:

Then add a field of type CHECKBOX, and in the Checkbox text, type "Parent/legal guardian's approval confirmation for participation in the event":

Click Add rule and select Field date. Click the Before button, set the date of the event and save the changes:

This will ensure that a minor, when filling out the event registration form, will have to check a mandatory box that confirms the consent of a parent or legal guardian for his/her participation in the event:

Have a successful event with Meeting Application!

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