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Written by Marek Kowalik
Updated yesterday

How to add tickets to an event?

Tickets are an important part of organizing any event, so the Admin Panel should allow you to add and manage them easily and intuitively. Tickets, which authorize entry to your event, allow you to control the number of participants who will attend.

In the Admin Panel under Create>Access, you can add tickets for an event and define their categories, prices, quantity, and payment method. In the Access Configuration tab, move the Optional: Ticketed event slider to the right:

Then go to the Tickets tab.


Adding tickets to your event's Landing Page requires contacting Meeting Application support first. If you decide to use the ticketing function through our platform, be sure to contact our team directly after completing all the required data, for final verification and to enable sales.

Completing the invoice data

Every attendee who buys a ticket for your event will be able to receive a purchase invoice. It is very important to fill in your data as a seller. Therefore, before adding the ticket, you need to complete the invoice data. To do this, click on Invoice in the upper right corner:


In the case of adding free tickets - filling in the invoice data is not required.

In the Invoice Configuration tab, you can create your own invoice numbering scheme, so as to maintain continuity and correct identification in recording. Select, from the 4 available elements, the ones you will need for your invoice and set the Numeration Offset and VAT percentage:


If you do not need a numbering offset enter 0 in this field. Entering any other number will start the numbering from the next number.

In the next step, complete the Seller General Information - all fields are required. If you want the invoice to be sent automatically, move the Send Automatically slider to the right. This will send the invoice to the email of each person who purchased the ticket. You can also edit the content of the sent invoice email. To learn more check out the article Custom Emails.

When filling out the information for the ticket, the participant can decide whether he wants a named or company invoice.

After filling out the invoice information, click Save Changes:

Adding a ticket to the event

After filling out the invoice, you can proceed to add tickets to your event. To add a new ticket, press the (+)Add New Ticket button:

In the next step, you give a name to the ticket, and in the Ticket Custom Form space, select the form you created earlier to collect additional information from event attendees. For more information on the process of creating registration forms, see the article Registration Forms.

Next, you set the price of the ticket, in which currency the payment applies, as well as the number of available tickets. You can also add a description to clarify the specifics of the ticket version. Ticket categories, depending on the type of event, can include seated or standing, general or VIP tickets, tickets for special seats or with access to additional attractions:

When filling out the ticket information, you can also add a special group discount. You determine from what number of tickets you buy the discount is available, as well as in what amount. To add such a discount, click the (+) Add icon:

Then give a name to the discount, choose from how many tickets, added to the cart, this discount will be valid, and also set its value:


Before adding tickets, you must complete the invoice data. If you do not do this, when saving the ticket, you will get a notification with a redirect to fill in the information needed for the invoice.

Ticket addons

As an event organizer, you can set up special addons for tickets, depending on the type of event. Some of the most common addons are, for example, a special VIP package or access to the Afterparty. If you want to add an addon to your ticket, go to the Addons tab and click the New Addon button:

Then create a name and description for the addon, set its price and select a currency and click Save Changes:

You can add as many addons as you want and assign them to specific tickets. To do so, click the multi-dot next to the ticket and go to edit it. In the Ticket addons field, from the dropdown list, select which of the previously added addons you want to assign to a particular ticket:

The participant, during the purchase of the ticket, in the Personal data tab, under the email address, can select the addons of interest. This shows their description and price:

After checking the checkbox with the addons selected, they will appear in the Summary:


In the next tab - Discounts, you can add special discounts for your tickets. Click Create Discount and fill in all the necessary data. Learn more about discounts in the article Ticket Discounts.

Payment methods


You can choose different payment methods when purchasing your ticket. To do this, go back to the Tickets tab. The first payment method is PayU, which enables fast and secure transactions. To add this payment option to your event ticket, click Payment methods in the upper right corner and select PayU from the drop-down list:

Then enter your Key and PayU Secret Key:


Another payment option is Stripe. Under Payment methods, select Stripe:

Follow the instructions below to set up your Stripe account and complete the necessary information:

  1. Log in to your Stripe account.

  2. Go to the Developers section and then to the API Keys tab.

  3. Copy the Publishable Key and Secret Key values and insert them into the Publishable Key and Secret Key fields in the Admin Panel, accordingly.

  4. Go to the Webhooks tab.

  5. Start adding a new endpoint by pressing the Add Endpoint button

  6. Replace the number 1302 with the id of your event, which you can see in the address bar of your event in the Meeting Application panel.

  7. Check the Listen to events in your account option.

  8. By clicking Select events, select the events you are listening to:

    • Payment Intent ➝ payment_intent.succeeded

    • Payment Intent ➝ payment_intent.payment_failed

  9. Save the entered data.

  10. Select the newly added endpoint from the list.

  11. Press the Reveal Signing Secret button:

12. Copy its value and paste it in the administration panel in the Webbook Signing Key field.

13. Save the changes in the panel:

If the payment method has been selected and configured - contact our Support Team to verify the correctness of the entered data and to launch this method on the Landing Page.

Have a successful event with Meeting Application!

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