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How to Upload a File to a Lesson

Video Included

Erin Kelly avatar
Written by Erin Kelly
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Lesson File area of your lessons is a great place to share resources with your users.

Please be aware that any file uploaded to your lesson can be downloaded by your users as this is the intention of the Lesson File area.

You are not able to remove the ability for your user to download files that you've shared in your Lesson Files area.

Uploading each file only takes a few short steps:

Open the lesson where you want to add the file.

  1. Scroll a bit further down to locate the Lesson Files area

  2. Click the 'Add File' button.

  3. Add your File Name, select whether you want the file to open in a new tab or download automatically and then add your file to the uploader by dragging & dropping it into the noted box or by clicking on the box and selecting it from your device's file menu.

  4. Once you've added the File Name & selected the file from your computer, click 'Save File'.

  5. You'll see the upload in progress by the bar shown on the file and once the upload is complete, the page will reload to the Lesson and you will now see your file noted in the Lesson File area.

When your users log into your product and visit the specific lesson with your file, they will find the file in the Download area after the lesson text/activity areas.

Important Note:

Please make sure that your actual file is named using only alpha & numeric characters. If you include special characters such as $, @, %, etc. this will likely cause your upload to fail.

Although it's a rare occurrence, sometimes the file that you uploaded may produce an error message. In that case, follow the steps outlined in this article to help troubleshoot the issue.

Also see:

Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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