Confirming the availability and price of a Request is the core part of the booking process in Metarina. In this article, we will explore how to add upfront charges as well as how we can request upfront payment to reserve a berth at the marina.
Step 1: Navigating to the confirmation page
When we initially receive or create booking requests, they will be marked as 'Pending':
To proceed, let us select a request that we want to confirm.
βοΈ Before we can continue with 'Proceeding to Confirm' we have to allocate a berth and accept or reject the requested utilities!
In case that this step isn't completed yet, please have a look at this article first to learn how to allocate a berth and manage utilities:
Step 2: Proceed to Payment
Now let's select 'Proceed to Payment' in the top right corner in order to confirm the request:
We now get redirected to the central Billing and Payment view of the selected booking. Here we can manage all charges that occur during the stay of the boater.
Initially we land at the 'Payment not requested' subpage, where we can see all charges that are neither requested, nor invoiced:
βοΈ Currently, the price of the berth will NOT be calculated automatically, due to many different pricing schemes at our marinas.
Therefore, we have to edit it manually to make it fit our pricing strategy:
Now you can choose between using a Direct Quote or using Pricing Units depending on your preference:
Pricing Units
Pricing Units
To select Pricing Units, make sure to tick the following box:
Once selected, simply type in your 'Unit Price' as well as your 'Quantity' to have a more advanced pricing scheme.
Note that we provide the Check-In and Check-out times as a reference for the quantity as an assistance for you:
Now simply press 'Update' and you are good to go.
After following one of these two approaches, we are ready to continue with confirming your Reservation.
Step 3: Send the Quote or request upfront payment
In this next step, we can select the charges we want to request upfront.
In most cases, it makes sense to simply select all charges, to give the boater the most accurate overview of the price of his stay.
π‘ If you are Stripe-Connected, you can also request a part of the charges upfront as a reservation fee.
To select all charges, click on the small box on the top left:
Now let's select 'Request Payment' to fully confirm the request of the boater:
As a last step, we can now choose to demand payment upfront via the Stripe Integration or demand the payment at the Marina.
We recommend notifying the boater about the charge, but also implemented the option to deactivate the email in case the boater is in the harbour office with you.
Don't forget to press 'Request' once you made your selection:
π‘ On the bottom of this menu, we have added a note field that allows you to personalise the request to the user.
If you are, for example, requesting a payment of 20% of the charges upfront as a reservation fee, you can communicate this through this note field.
Once the request is sent, your booking will be automatically marked as confirmed, and the charges you've just requested will show under 'Payment requested':
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