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Ingredient Standards
Ingredient Standards

About our ingredients and how they’re sourced.

Anj avatar
Written by Anj
Updated over a week ago

We use the highest-quality ingredients we're able to procure each week.

Our menu doesn’t include any:

  • Refined sugar;

  • Artificial ingredients;

  • Canola oil;

  • Processed ingredients;

  • Gluten;

  • Dairy, lactose, casein, or whey.

Our food is cooked using mostly avocado oil and occasionally olive oil.

We prioritize two things when sourcing ingredients:

Local and seasonal

Ingredients that don't travel as far and are in season contain the most nutritional value when it gets to you. This also lets us support local farms and the environment.

Organic or Sustainable

Farms that use sustainable practices (no pesticides on produce and no antibiotics or growth hormones in meat or seafood) help protect your health, the environment, and the health of their workers.

A good portion of the produce we use is certified organic. While other local farms we source from can't afford organic certification (because of the high certification costs involved), this doesn't mean they're not using sustainable, organic practices.

Our team works hard to make sure the farms we source from are raising produce, meat, and seafood that's clean and sustainable, whether they're certified or not.

We are also committed to using organic produce for anything listed in the "dirty dozen" as these fruits and vegetables are the most susceptible to pesticides.

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