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Why use Miappi?
Why use Miappi?
Toby Britton avatar
Written by Toby Britton
Updated over a week ago

It’s very hard for a brand to cut through in the world of social media. Today, brands have much less control of how their content is seen because algorithms, ad-blocking and the sheer volume of noise means engaging with customers and followers has never been more challenging. Miappi changes that.

Miappi helps you to identify your most valuable content:

  1. We help you to harness the best of your brand content.

  2. We find the best user generated comments about your brand so customers can become brand ambassadors.

You can then use Miappi to visualise the very best of those two content streams on websites and digital screens of any size.

The result of using Miappi is an increased ROI on your owned content, increased audience engagement and increases sales.

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