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Admin - Producer, Processor, and Hauler Management
Admin - Producer, Processor, and Hauler Management
Elisabeth Sanford avatar
Written by Elisabeth Sanford
Updated over a week ago

As an Admin user, you will now have the ability to view ‘Producer Management’, ‘Processor Management’ and ‘Hauler Management’

To access these new pages follow these steps -

  1. Choose the user type from the users list on the left.

  2. Next, locate the needed user from the list and click on the kebab menu to the left of it.

3. This will allow you to select the ‘View Producer/Processor/Hauler Management’ button. The next page will show the name of the selected user, identification number, and contact information. As well as a real-time map showing the Producer/Processor/Haulers location and if any trucks are near them.

Producer Management

The Producer Management page is comprised of four tabs. The Status page, 'Tank Management', 'Scheduling' and 'Pickups & Geofences'.

Tank Management

Here you can set the total capacity for each tank by either typing in the total or using the arrows in each box to adjust the total.

This is also where you can go to set/edit the Milking Window for each day of the week according to your needs. Once you have adjusted the schedule don’t forget to hit Save!

More detailed Instructions on - "Producer - Tank Management"


Here you can set the type of product(s) this Producer makes (Organic, Kosher, or Conventional).

You can also set Included/Excluded Haulers for pickups and acceptable trailer types.

Lastly, you can set the Pickup Schedule by clicking 'Add/Edit Schedule'.

In the window that opens you can go to set/edit the recurring Pickup Schedule for each day of the week.

Select the day of the week you are working on and click '+ Add Pickup Window'.

Edit the times of the Pickup window by typing or using the clock button in each field.

You can add as many Milking Windows in a day as you would like and if you set no Milking Window the day will be listed as 'Closed'.

Pickups & Geofences

The last tab 'Pickups & Geofences' will allow you to set the default Pickup type for this Producer as well as set or edit the Geofence for the Producer.

Processor Management

The Processor Management page is similar to the Producer Management Page. It has Four Tabs- 'Status', 'Bay Management', 'Scheduling', and 'Dropoffs & Geofences'

Bay Management

Here, you can add/edit Bays, and Add/Edit needed Downtime periods for the plants

More information on Processor-Bay Management


Here you can

  • Set the type of product(s) this Producer makes (Organic, Kosher, or Conventional)

  • Designate the Priority Type of the plant as a 'Priority Plant' or a 'Balancing Plant'

  • Set which Producers/Haulers are excluded from delivering to this plant and which are Included.

  • Set the Trailer types that are accepted

  • Optionally, can also set Protein and Butterfat Minimums and Protein Priority.

Dropoffs& Geofence

The last tab 'Dropoffs & Geofences' will allow you to set the default Dropoff type for this Processor as well as set or edit the Geofence for the Processor.

Hauler Management

The 'Hauler Management' page has just two tabs. The status page which shows their location (if set), and the Geofence page.

Setting the geofence at the Haulers location will be useful when the Hauler has load assists from other Haulers. More detailed instructions on - Hauler - Geofence management.

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