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#Acapella Sound Mixing

Basic guide to the audio mixing feature

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Written by Team Mixcord
Updated over a week ago

Our audio mixing tool will help you enhance the the quality of your recording. If properly applied, you can achieve studio quality sound.

Please note, the source recording must be in an acceptable condition (i.e. if the recording contains a lot of distortion), otherwise, there may not be much these tools can do to salvage it.

The custom, preset EQ and preset compressor tools are designed for those new to “sound mixing”.

Customizable EQ, Noise Gate and compressor are available for those who love to tinker with the finer details.

This video is a rolling example of what a video can sound like when adjustments are made. Please listen with both earphones. Also, please note, we’ve emphasize some features so it is discernible by ear.

For those of you who are completely new to sound mixing, below is a basic guideline to when you may want to consider using these features. We recommend you play with the feature so you can hear for yourself. With a little tinkering, you'll find your sound in no time. 😁

1. Add custom effects

Volume: Use this to control the strength of the audio output
Panning: Use this to distribute sound to the right and left headphones
Reverb: Use this to create sound that “fills a room”. Reverb occurs when sound bounces off walls, ceilings, floors, etc.
Pitch: Use this to adjust pitch
Echo: Use this to add an echo sound to your video

2. Lessen the range of loud and quiet with a “compressor"

Compressor: This lessens the range between the loudest and quietest part of the signal. This basically boost quieter signals and attenuates louder signals making the audio output sound even.

a) Threshold: Set the threshold to indicate when compression is applied. A threshold of -40db means any signals that crosses this value will get compressed. How much compression is applied is determine by the ratio (see below)
b) Attack: How quickly the compressor starts to work. A fast attack time is crucial for percussive instruments, whereas signals such as vocals and bass guitar require a slower attack.
c) Release: How soon after the signal dips below the threshold the compressor stops. Set the release time too fast, you may create an unnatural “pumping and breathing” in the signal. Set to slowly, may go back above the threshold before the compressor had a chance to turn off.
d) Ratio: How much compression is applied. This basically reduces the gain of signal above the threshold. At 1:1, there is no compression, 50:1 is hard compression
e) Gain: Use to amplify or boost an input signal as compression often attenuates the signal

3. Enhance audio liveliness with “EQ”

EQ Presets: Voice, Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, Horns

Customizable (Hit Edit):

Global Gain: Amplify or boost all (high pass, low shelf, parametric bell, high shelf) input signal
High Pass: This is a sound filter used to remove all signals below the set frequency.
Low Shelf: This filter to cut low frequencies that may conflict with other low signals
Parametric Bell (frequency, Q-factor, Gain): Use this to select a specific frequency to modify by setting three specific parameters.

a) Frequency: This determine the frequency to modify.
b) Q factor: This determines how wide or narrow the range is. A setting of 0 will encompass the wider range such as upper frequencies in a voice. While a setting of 10 will affect a very small range, helpful in feedback situation.
c) Gain: Amplify or boost an input sound

High Shelf: This filter cuts high frequencies that may conflict with other high sounds

4. How to get rid of background noise with "noise gate”

Noise Gate: With any recording, in studio or home, there is potential risk of unwanted background noise. The noise gate function allows you to remove unwanted sounds by setting the threshold and optimizing the the attack and release function to let through the complete body of your voice.

a) Threshold: Set the threshold level to block any signals below the threshold from passing through the channel. Once set, the body of the sound can be heard but the areas of silence or noise are muted. Sometimes, the threshold setting can cause the audio output to sound unnatural. This can be corrected by adjusting the attack & release.
b) Attack: Is how quickly the gate will open. A fast attack time is crucial for percussive instruments, whereas signals such as vocals and bass guitar require a slower attack.
c) Release: How quickly the gate will close once a signal reaches the threshold. A shorter release time help clean up noise in a signal but may cause “chattering” with percussive instruments. Longer release time can allow for the most natural sound.
d) Ratio: How much noise is eliminated
e) Gain: Use to amplify or boost an input signal

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