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Selecting Your Campaign's Goal
Selecting Your Campaign's Goal
Kelsey Dupere avatar
Written by Kelsey Dupere
Updated over a week ago

Clearly defining your campaign's marketing goal is crucial as it provides a strategic direction, ensuring all efforts are concentrated on achieving specific and measurable objectives.

The following article outlines key considerations when selecting your campaign's goal.

Selecting a Goal Type

Within your campaign, you're presented with four distinct goal options. The choice of your goal type dictates how our technology optimizes your campaign.

💡 Note: Understanding how your goals can adjust, you will always have the option to head into your campaign and adjust the goal type selection.

Let's explore the goal types, their respective technological optimization methods, and the recommended use cases:


Tech Optimization


Recommended Use

Cost Per Completed View


Optimizes your campaign to drive the highest volume of completed TV views on your campaign budget.

Campaign Spend ÷ Campaign's Completed TV Views

Use this goal type if reach is your primary business objective.

Cost Per Visit


Optimizes your campaign to drive the highest volume of visits on your campaign budget.

Campaign Spend ÷ Campaign Visits

Use this goal type if driving site traffic is your primary business objective.

Cost Per Acquisition (eCPA)

Optimizes your campaign to drive the highest volume of conversions on your campaign budget.

Campaign Spend ÷ Total Campaign Conversions

Use this goal type if gaining new customers.

Return on Ad Spend**


Optimizes your campaign to drive the highest revenue on your campaign budget.

Campaign Revenue ÷ Campaign Spend

Use this goal type if the goal is to drive as much revenue as possible.

🚩Important: If selecting ROAS as your goal type, double-check that your conversion pixel has a mapped order amount associated with the event. This ensures we are accurately attributing ROAS in your reporting dashboard.

Cost Per Completed View (CPCV) Example

🔍 Sarah’s Nursery will launch a store in a new market, and they’d like to grow overall awareness for their new location. The Cost Per Completed View (CPCV) goal type will allow them to focus their MNTN campaign's efforts on promoting their new location to households in the area.

Cost Per Visit (CPV) Example

🔍 Sarah’s Nursery is launching its site, which showcases not only its current inventory but also its in-store events and promotions. The Cost Per Visit (CPV) goal type allows them to focus their MNTN campaign's efforts on driving users to visit their website and learn more.

Cost Per Acquisition (eCPA) Example

🔍 Sarah’s Nursery has just launched a new monthly newsletter. The Cost Per Acquisition (eCPA) goal type allows the team to focus their MNTN campaign's efforts on driving users to not only visit their site but to fill out the newsletter form on their homepage.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) Example

🔍 Sarah’s Nursery has added robust e-commerce functionality to its site, allowing users to purchase in-stock inventory. The Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) goal type allows the team to focus their MNTN campaign's efforts on driving customers to visit their site and purchase a product.

Consider Your Conversion Point

Before selecting your campaign's goal type, it's important to consider what event you will be pixeling with your MNTN conversion point. This event should align directly with your campaign's primary objective, shaping what you measure and optimize for.

Here's why this alignment matters:

Alignment with Objectives

Tracking the right conversion event is key to achieving your campaign's primary objective. Whether it's increasing reach, driving website visits, gaining new customers, or maximizing revenue, your chosen event should align with your business goal.

Optimization Precision

Pixeling the correct conversion point ensures technology efficiently optimizes toward the desired outcome, making the most of your campaign budget.

Measurement Accuracy

The event you pixel significantly impacts how you measure success. Pixeling the right event ensures that your measurement accurately reflects your campaign's impact on your desired outcome.

Data-Driven Decisions

Data collected from the chosen event forms the basis for informed decisions, such as budget allocation, segment performance evaluation, and creative asset refinement, all contributing to your campaign's success.

Inputting a Goal Value

Once you've selected a goal type, you can input a goal value.

A reminder that your team is not manually bidding on inventory to reach your primary performance goal; our technology handles real-time bidding on your behalf.

Use the Goal Amount field to input your key performance indicator's (KPI) quantitative success metric. Our tech will then optimize toward your campaign's established goal.

🧠 Pro Tip: Consider inputting the performance metrics you've historically seen across your other marketing channels.

🔍 Example: You traditionally see your search and social channels generate a $45 cost per acquisition. Select Cost Per Acquisition (eCPA) from the dropdown menu, and input 45 into the Goal Amount field.

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