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Selecting a Goal and Budget

Learn how to add your desired budget into your MNTN campaign.

Laura McGarigle avatar
Written by Laura McGarigle
Updated over a week ago

To determine the campaign goal that aligns best with your overarching business goal, please take a look at the topics covered in Understanding Your Business Objectives.

Selecting a Goal

When building your campaign on MNTN, there are four different goal types.

Return on Ad Spend

The Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) goal type optimizes your campaign to drive the highest revenue on your campaign budget. Return on Ad Spend is calculated as Campaign Revenue divided by Campaign Spend.

Cost per Acquisition (eCPA)

The Cost per Acquisition (eCPA) goal type optimizes your campaign to drive the highest volume of conversions on your campaign budget. Cost per Acquisition is calculated as Campaign Spend divided by Campaign Conversions.

Cost per Visit

The Cost-per-visit goal type optimizes your campaign to drive the highest volume of visits on your campaign budget. Cost per Visit is calculated as Campaign Spend divided by Campaign Visits.

Cost per Completed View

The cost-per-completed view goal type optimizes your campaign to drive the highest volume of completed TV views on your campaign budget. Cost per Completed View is calculated as Campaign Spend divided by Completed TV Views.

Determining a Goal Metric

The Goal metric will help inform the optimization engine of our automated media buying technology. It is not a bid—instead, a variable to consider when our system buys inventory for your campaign.

🧠 Pro tip: To determine your goal value, we encourage you to think about your performance on other channels; this is typically an excellent benchmark to set when starting your campaign on MNTN.

Selecting a Budget

Your campaign budget determines how much spend to allocate to your campaign for a customizable period of time. You can choose between setting monthly or flighted budgets when assigning new budgets to your campaign.

💡Note: our system automatically paces the budget evenly throughout the designated time. This eliminates the need for any manual adjustment.

Monthly Budget Type

Set Budget Type as "Monthly" to reset the budget to the defined "Budget" amount on the 1st of every month through the defined end date.

  • Monthly budgets can have a defined end date or can be set up as ongoing, resetting the budget until the campaign is manually paused or until the budget is replaced.

  • Defining Start or End dates that are mid-month

    • You have the option to set your budget as "monthly" even if the start or end dates do not fall on the 1st and last of the month, respectively

💡Note: If the start or end dates intersect the month, budgets will automatically be pro-rated for that period based on the defined "pacing per day" amount, and the budget type will be changed to "flighted" only for that month.

Flighted Budget Type

Set the budget type as "Flighted" to spend a predetermined budget across your custom-defined timeframe.

  • This budget will not reset after the defined end time

  • The budget will be spaced evenly throughout the lifetime of the flighted budget

💡Note: If a new flighted budget overlaps with an ongoing monthly budget, that monthly budget will continue following the end of the flighted budget.

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