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MNTN Matched Keywords: Best Practices

How to strategically leverage your MNTN Matched Keyword Audiences

Tori Cipollone avatar
Written by Tori Cipollone
Updated over 5 months ago

Best Practices

⭐️ Add Custom Keywords: Manually include custom keywords, focusing on in-market keywords or those closely related to your brand’s vertical, to scale your audience reach.

⭐️ Add Interest Segments: Include additional 3rd Party interest segments to help grow and scale your total audience. Focus on interest segments that are related to your brand and represent your customer personas. The Budget Planner tool will categorize these households by intent.

⭐️ Consider Your Customer Profile: If you have multiple audience buckets, prioritize your most relevant customers. When running more than one Prospecting campaign within the same geographic area, avoid overlapping by carefully managing audience segments to prevent the same households from being targeted by multiple campaigns.

⭐️ Optimize for Seasonality: Incorporate seasonal keywords that are most relevant to your business, adding valuable customers to your audience pool.

  • Examples:

    • Summer Closing Sales: If you’re a clothing brand promoting summer clothing sales, start by adding the broad keyword “summer clothes” to enhance your customer profile. Our system will automatically identify related, high-performing keywords such as “shorts” and “bathing suits” and include them as Expanded Keywords. For more targeted promotions, such as a sale exclusively on “bathing suits,” you can specifically add “bathing suit” as a Select Keyword.

    • Back to School: For seasonal promotions like back-to-school sales, an electronics company can use the Select Keyword “Back to School Electronics.” Our system will identify relevant keywords such as “laptops,” “portable chargers,” and “external hard drives” to ensure your ads reach consumers interested in those products.

⭐️ Location Inclusions: Layer in geographic locations as "AND" statements based on your store's location or where you want to reach your consumers. If your campaign targets a smaller geographic region, you'll likely want to layer in additional custom Keywords to expand reach.

⭐️ CRM Exclusions: Exclude any CRM lists of your choice to exclude households in certain geographic locations from seeing your ads. As a reminder, there’s no need to manually exclude site visitors or converters from the past 30 days, as they are automatically excluded from any MNTN Matched campaign.

💡Note: If you need to exclude visitors from the past 90 days, please contact your MNTN representative to extend the audience window. For exclusions beyond 90 days, use the CRM feature to upload and regularly refresh your lists with emails or IPs of returning users.

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