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How to incentivize customers
Updated over 7 months ago

The incentive section allows you to set up rewards for customers who create a profile and upload content.

Moast generates unique, one-time-use discount codes. Our system handles everything on the backend, including generating the discount codes using your Shopify discount engine.

Different types of incentives

You can incentivize customers to create a profile by choosing between three different incentives:

  • % off

  • $ off

  • Free shipping

How to add an incentive

Head to Incentives in your Moast Admin to create an incentive.

  1. Click "Create incentive".

  2. Choose a title for your incentive. This title will appear in emails to customers. Use a title that reflects the incentive offered (ex: 10% off, $20 off, Free shipping).

  3. Select the incentive type (%,$, free shipping).

  4. Select minimum purchase requirements, if any.

  5. Hit "Save".

Things to know:

  • Incentives are rewarded per profile created. If a customer purchased 3 products in an order and created a profile for each of them (aka created 3 profiles), they will be rewarded 3 discount codes in total.

  • You can only have one active incentive at a time.

  • When you have an active incentive, Moast will automatically include the incentive details in the profile request emails, ensuring customers are aware of the reward for creating a profile.

How incentives work in Shopify

Moast integrates with your Shopify discount engine to create unique, one-time use discount codes. These codes are stored alongside your other discount codes in Shopify and can be used at checkout.

In your Shopify Admin under the Discounts section, you will find automatically created pools of discount codes for profile creation rewards. These codes are easily identifiable under the method column.

Things to know:

  • By default, Moast's incentive codes do not have an expiry date. They will remain active and available for customers to use unless they are manually disabled in your Shopify admin.

  • Moast's codes are set to not be combined with other discounts. This is to avoid having customers stacking discounts to receive too large of a discount.

Emailing customers their discount code

Moast will also automatically email customers a copy of their discount code once you approve their profile. For this to be sent out automatically, your "Profile approved" automation will need to be enabled in the Email Automations section in your Moast Admin.

You can edit the copy of the email that's sent to your customers by editing the "Profile approved with incentive" template that can be found in the Email templates section in your Moast Admin.

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