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What does my release on YouTube / YouTube Music look like?
What does my release on YouTube / YouTube Music look like?

A short explanation how your release will look like on YouTube / Youtube Music

Pancho avatar
Written by Pancho
Updated over a week ago

When you decide to publish your music on YouTube Music, the system automatically creates a so-called "Art Track" for each of your songs.

This means that YouTube takes the sound and the cover of your release to create a "video" that YouTube Music users can stream. Basically, it works like a normal video on YouTube (you can add it to a playlist, it can appear in the "up next queue", etc.).

The goal is to offer your tracks on the platform, even if you haven't produced an official video. On the other hand, the creation of "Art Tracks" makes the YouTube catalog complete and up-to-date, so that your listeners can find your music more easily. Of course, the identification of your songs is done with the ISRC, which ensures a correct synchronization of your repertoire.

Auto-generated Topic Channels.

At the same time, YouTube creates a so-called "Auto-generated Topic Channel" with your artist name linked to your tracks. These are automatically created with an algorithm if your "videos" or "art tracks" get a high traffic on the platform. If no channel is created for you, this may be because your videos/art tracks do not have enough traffic or the quality is not sufficient.

Please note: Comments on automatically generated Art Tracks are turned off if the primary artist doesn't have an Official Artist Channel.

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