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Streaming & Download Platforms
Here you can find information about the streaming and download platforms and how to claim your accounts
How can I send already published releases to new streaming services and platforms?
Will my release be displayed as a Single, EP, or album on the streaming services?
My release has landed on somebody else’s profile
Censorship on NetEase and Tencent
What playlist types are out there and what do they mean?
How can I edit my artist profile on the platforms?
How to find your Spotify and Apple Music artist IDs
How to find and use your tracks on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok
YouTube Content ID Claims
My music was distributed to YouTube Music, but it is currently under "Release - Topic"
Can I whitelist a channel for YouTube Content ID?
What is not eligible for YouTube Content ID?
What's the difference between YouTube Music and YouTube Content ID?
What does my release on YouTube / YouTube Music look like?
How to claim an official artist channel on YouTube
Why classical music cannot be distributed to YouTube Content ID
YouTube Channel Monetisation vs. YouTube Content ID