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Artist Roles Explained

A breakdown of the different artist roles you can select from when setting up your track.

Gil Hockman avatar
Written by Gil Hockman
Updated over a week ago

**Please note: The information in this article only applies for non-classical releases**

When you are setting up a new track, either within a Release or on the Tracks page, you need to identify various artist roles. At a minimum you will need to enter the Main Artist for the track, but it is possible you might need to enter one or more other roles. In this article, we will look at the various roles that you can choose, and how they appear on the streaming services.

Main Artist

This is the primary artist who is credited with creating and performing the song.


This is used when another artist is featured on a song by the main artist. The featured artist may perform a verse, chorus, or other part of the song.

Remixed By

This is used when an artist remixes an existing song by another artist. The remixer may add new elements or change the structure of the original song.


This is used when two or more artists collaborate on a song, typically with each artist contributing their own unique style or sound. "Meets" is often used when the collaboration between the artists is a one-time occurrence, rather than an ongoing partnership. "Meets" can also be a way to highlight the fact that they are coming together as equals to create something new. This can be especially powerful when the artists come from different backgrounds or genres, as it can help to break down barriers and promote collaboration across musical boundaries.

For example:

"Lee Konitz Meets Jimmy Giuffre" by Lee Konitz & Jimmy Giuffre


This is used when an artist presents or introduces another artist or group. One way this can happen is when an established artist discovers a new or up-and-coming artist they want to support and introduce to their fans. Another way the "Presents" artist role can be used is when an artist curates an album featuring other artists, such as showcasing the best up-and-coming talent in their city.

For example:

"Adrian Younge Presents: The Delfonics"

Versus (vs.)

This is used when two or more artists are pitted against each other in a song or performance. The artists may take turns performing, or they may collaborate in a more competitive way. For example, two rappers might trade verses on a song, each trying to outdo the other with their lyrics and flow. Or, when two or more artists are featured on a song, but they have distinct and separate sections of the track, the "vs." artist role helps to distinguish between the different artists featured on the song. By using the "vs." artist role, the song underscores the sense of competition and collaboration between the artists, while also giving each artist their own moment to shine.

For example:

"Gorillaz Vs. Spacemonkeyz - Laika Come Home" by Gorillaz & Spacemonkeyz


This is used when two or more artists perform together on a song, but there is no clear lead artist. The artists may trade off verses or perform together throughout the song. The "With" artist role is used to highlight a collaborative effort between two or more artists who have equal footing in the creative process. This can help to emphasize the sense of teamwork and partnership between the artists.

For example:

Wake Up! - John Legend with The Roots


When you are creating a release with multiple artists, if those artists already have profiles on Spotify and Apple/i-Tunes, you can link to those profiles when setting up your release. See this article for more information:

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