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Getting Started with MusicHub
A collection of articles to help with your first steps with MusicHub
The MusicHub Community Guidelines
What are smart links and how do they work?
MusicHub Release Guide Tutorial
How to change the size of your Artwork
MusicHub Style Guide
How loud should your track be for streaming services?
The MusicHub Discord Communtiy
What do I have to consider with my artwork?
MusicHub Glossary
How can I assign my release to an existing Spotify & Apple Music artist profile?
Versions explained
Copyright, Rights & Ownership
Style Guide for Classical Releases
Style Guide for Jazz Releases
Style Guide for Single Releases
How to prepare your audio files for your release?
The MusicHub Upload Certificate
Artist Roles Explained
How to enter author details for traditional songs
What is an EAN/UPC and where do I find it?
How soon can my release be published?
Creating a Waterfall Release
Can I use AI generated music or lyrics as part of my release?
Collaboration Features
How to create (or avoid) a 'Various Artists' Release