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Collaboration Features

Share your release data and statistics directly to your collaborators MusicHub accounts.

Allan avatar
Written by Allan
Updated over a month ago

Our new BETA Collaboration Features will allow you to share your release information and statistics directly with band members and collaborators. The release metadata and statistics can be made accessible to whoever you choose, allowing them to follow the performance of a particular release and remain as up-to-date as you are.

How does the release-sharing feature work?

Once a release that you have submitted is live on the streaming platforms, you will find a new 'Share' button on the release page:

After clicking the 'Share' button, you can enter the email address of the person you would like to share the release with:

And when you click invite, your collaborator will receive an email inviting them to add the release to their MusicHub account.

Once they have accepted the release, they will find the live release on their Releases page, under the filter 'Shared with me':

Please Note: If the person you are sharing your release with does not yet have a MusicHub account, they will be asked to create a free account in order to view your release. This account will only allow them to view the release information. Should they wish to submit a release themselves they will require an active subscription, either paid or via a GEMA account.

What information can my collaborators see?

They will be able to see who has shared the release with them:

If they click on Details, they will have be able to view the release metadata:

They will also be able to view the release's statistics:

And the breakdown of the royalties that the release has generated:

Please note that in this first feature version, collaborators will not see any royalties in their own account balance.

What collaborator information can I see?

As the creator of that release, you will be able to see who you have shared the release with:

We hope you enjoy this BETA feature that we have implemented. Please bear in mind, this is the starting base for many new collaborative features to come. Royalty splits being a big focus. Feel free to leave us any feedback should you think of areas that would be good to improve on. Enjoy!

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