Logiwa Mobile App

Device recommendations and how to download the Logiwa mobile application.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over a week ago

To use the Logiwa mobile app, you'll want to make sure you have a device with an operating system and version that we support, along with an appropriately sized screen. We supply our app directly via AppCircle. Click to expand the sections below to view the general guidelines for devices and how to install the app.

Device Recommendations

The Logiwa mobile app works with a variety of devices. There are thousands of devices that run Android OS, so we can't list all the possible options, but these general recommendations can give you a starting point.

  • OS: Android OS version 5.1 and up

  • Screen Dimension: Over 5 inches (12.7 cm)

  • Recommended Mobile Computers/Scanner Types: Zebra TCx, Honeywell Dolphin CTx, Chainway Cx

For more information on whether a certain device will work well with the Logiwa app, please reach out to Support.

How to Download the App

To download the app directly from AppCircle, please follow the steps below.

  • For the username and password, enter the following information:

    1. Username: live

    2. Password: 8tx@Yk7U1B8&

  • Select the most recent available app.

  • Click Install.

  • Confirm that you want to install the app. You may pass through some additional security steps. As long as you have confirmed you are downloading the app from the link in this article, we recommend bypassing these to make the process smoother.

  • Click Open to go directly to the installed app.

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