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Get Access Token from Shopify

How to get your store's access token from Shopify.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over a week ago

This article outlines all the necessary steps to obtain an access token from Shopify. With this access token, you can seamlessly connect your Shopify stores to Logiwa.

  • First, login to your Shopify account. When you log in, you will see the home page of your store.

  • Click the Settings option on the bottom left side of the screen.

  • Next, open Apps and sales channels.

  • Click Develop apps from the right side of the screen.

  • Choose Create an app once the App development menu loads.

  • Enter a name in the App Name box and select a name from the App Developer section.

  • After entering, click Configure Admin API scopes.

  • Give authorization for the following actions and save:

Access Scopes List

  1. read_analytics

  2. read_customer_events

  3. write_custom_pixels

  4. read_custom_pixels

  5. write_customers

  6. read_customers

  7. write_discounts

  8. read_discounts

  9. write_discovery

  10. read_discovery

  11. write_draft_orders

  12. read_draft_orders

  13. write_files

  14. read_files

  15. write_gift_cards

  16. read_gift_cards

  17. write_inventory

  18. read_inventory

  19. write_legal_policies

  20. read_legal_policies

  21. write_locations

  22. read_locations

  23. write_metaobject_definitions

  24. read_metaobject_definitions

  25. write_marketing_events

  26. read_marketing_events

  27. write_metaobjects

  28. read_metaobjects

  29. write_online_store_navigation

  30. read_online_store_navigation

  31. write_online_store_pages

  32. read_online_store_pages

  33. write_order_edits

  34. read_order_edits

  35. write_orders

  36. read_orders

  37. write_packing_slip_templates

  38. read_packing_slip_templates

  39. write_payment_customizations

  40. read_payment_customizations

  41. write_payment_terms

  42. read_payment_terms

  43. write_pixels

  44. read_pixels

  45. write_price_rules

  46. read_price_rules

  47. write_product_feeds

  48. read_product_feeds

  49. write_product_listings

  50. read_product_listings

  51. write_products

  52. read_products

  53. write_publications

  54. read_publications

  55. write_shipping

  56. read_shipping

  57. write_customer_merge

  58. read_customer_merge

  59. write_assigned_fulfillment_orders

  60. read_assigned_fulfillment_orders

  61. write_fulfillments

  62. read_fulfillments

  63. read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders

  64. write_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders

  • Failure to grant these accesses will may lead to this error during Shopify setup: "This action requires merchant approval for read_orders scope."

  • If you encounter this error, please make sure you have granted Shopify access to the necessary scopes.

  • After saving, click Install app.

  • From the API credentials tab, you can now reveal your Access Token.

You can only reveal your Admin API access token once, so make sure you are ready to copy or write it down before continuing.

  • You can now enter this information in the Access Token field in Logiwa and continue connecting to Shopify.

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