Trev’s got an inbuilt function that automatically calculates the amount of feed consumed based on feeding levels in your Mob Management section, so you don’t need to worry about it. Here’s an example of how we do it:
If a mob of 70 animals is reported as being fed 3 kgDM/cow/day of Grass Silage, when the report is submitted Trev takes those numbers and creates a consumed feed event of 1.47 tDM (70 animals x 3 kgDM per cow per day x 7 days / 1000)for the date of the report.
A single consumed feed event is created for each feed type each week. If you’ve got a couple of mobs with the same feed, the numbers will be combined into one record.
Trev will ask you to confirm the Feed Consumed Calculations before you continue. You’ll be prompted with a confirmation message when you click Save & Continue for the first time in the Mob Management & Feeding Levels section.
Don’t forget! You can reject these calculations and edit, delete or change any existing feeding levels in your mobs, if the numbers don’t look correct.
Are you getting warning messages? These will show up in both the Mob Management & Feeding Levels and the Feed Events sections if the auto-calculated records no longer align with the feeding levels in your mobs. This would occur when changes are made after you’ve confirmed the calculations.
Do your supplements on-hand not match Trev’s calculations? Here’s a quick article on how to make adjustments to your feeding levels.