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Plan for success
Cecilie Refsnes Milenkovic avatar
Written by Cecilie Refsnes Milenkovic
Updated over 4 months ago

Create a plan to succeed. Assign slots to your team members, give comments, and custom tags that help your team members to know what their posts should be about. Stay up to date, see whats been published, what is scheduled to be published and when team members are supposed to post in the future based on assigned slots.

1. Calendar

The calendar keeps you up to date on what all of the organizations members or team members if you choose a specific team have published, scheduled or assigned slots to. Filter on the aforementioned or just look at colors (green/published, yellow/scheduled or grey/slot) πŸŽ‰.

Click on the scheduled or published posts in the calendar to watch them in preview. If a scheduled post are yours you can also delete or edit the post by clicking it. If its your assigned slot you can also update or delete it by clicking on it.

2. Assign slots

There are two ways to get the Assign slot popup.

1) Find a date you want to assign a slot in the calendar > Hover in line with the team member you would like to assign the slot to > Click on Assign slot.

2) Just click the button on top of the calendar, to the right.

The Assign slot popup looks like this:

Then start by selecting the user you want to assign the slot to. If you click on the date part, where it says todays date and time, you can choose a date from a calendar view and time for when the user should post.

If you want it to be a repeatable slot, then just drag the slider. Maximum is 16 weeks and minimum is a single slot. If slide it to repeat weekly it will be the same day of the week, and time. In the example I've assigned a slot every Wednesday at 09:00 for 16 weeks.

To help your team members, add a tag and a comment to tell them what their post should be about. You can edit both the tag and the comments on individual slots later.

3. Scheduled posts

Underneath the calendar you will find all scheduled posts. Here you can add a tag if you forgot earlier, by clicking the Add tag button.

If you want to view, edit or delete the scheduled post, just click the three dots and choose what you would like to do.

By editing you will be sent back to the content editor to make changes and save the updated scheduled post.

4. Assigned slots

Underneath the scheduled posts you will find all assigned slots. Here you can add a tag if you forgot earlier, by clicking the Add tag button.

If you want to edit or delete the slot, just click the three dots and choose what you would like to do. By editing you can change the time and date.

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