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How to manage Suppliers

Need to add a new supplier or update your existing suppliers in your platform? Here’s how to do it!

Rob Brown avatar
Written by Rob Brown
Updated over a week ago

Adding a supplier

  1. To add a new supplier to the platform click on ’Product Menu’ and then click on ‘Suppliers’. This will bring up the below screen. To add a new supplier click on the ‘+ CREATE’ button on the top of the screen.

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2. The below form will then be available to fill. Please ensure you input the highlighted supplier information fields as a minimum. Click on the create button which will then create the supplier within the platform for you.

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Goods In States’ is linked to the ‘Goods In’ service on the Smart Probe. Please ensure you tick all the boxes that apply for that supplier. So, if you only receive frozen items from that supplier, you will only need to select ‘Frozen’.

Editing or deleting a supplier

  1. To update or delete a supplier click on the ‘MORE’ button on the right hand side of the supplier. This will then allow you to either ‘Update’, ‘Message’ or ‘Delete’ the supplier.

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Note: Once you have edited your Supplier information on your Navitas Digital Food Safety platform, you may need to update your product menu to reflect the supplier changes. To make these changes, please see our Product Menu guide here.

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