How to require deposits for bookings

Require partial online prepayment for selected services to deter customers from cancelling and costing you time and money.

Alan Wong avatar
Written by Alan Wong
Updated over a week ago

To learn about enabling Online Payments, please see this short guide.

To require deposits for online bookings, within Settings > Online Payments > [Settings] (at the top-right), set Prepayment for appointments = Required so that customers are subject to the prepayment setting (full/deposit/none) configured at the service level when booking. Meanwhile, you can force individual customers (e.g. no-shows) to always prepay the full amount.

All deposits are only non-refundable after your cancellation limit has passed, so set your cancellation limit to dictate the latest that a customer can cancel and receive a refund. We also recommend updating your booking policy (within Settings > General > [Manage Legal Documents]) to reflect this.

To change the prepayment setting at the service level, within Settings > My Business, click the pencil (edit) button against the staff's service:

The choice will be indicated on the service price - example above showing:

  • Haircut: Requires the full £20 prepayment.

  • Sides & Back: Requires no prepayment.

  • Facial: Requires a partial £10 prepaid deposit.

You can force full prepayment on an individual customer by clicking the [Force Prepayments] button on their record.

These customers will be marked with a card icon next to their name and listed under the Forced Prepay tab on the Customers (directory) page.

You can un-force a customer by editing their record and unticking forced prepayment.

Please contact us if you need any advice.

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