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How to Keep Track of Product Stock
How to Keep Track of Product Stock

Use the inventory to easily keep track of stock of your products.

Alan Wong avatar
Written by Alan Wong
Updated over a week ago

This guide walks through how the system can be used to keep track of product stock levels, and how these are affected by product sales in the system.

Completing a stock count

Record a stock count by going to Sell -> Inventory -> Take Stock.

For full instructions on taking a stock count, check out: How to Take a Stock Count.

How is availability calculated?

When a customer buys anything, the stock level is automatically reduced, even if the appointment hasn't happened yet.

  • Let's say you have 10 of a certain product in store, if 10 appointments are booked with this product added, then the product appears out of stock on the system to any future bookings. That way, you don't need to worry about the stock levels, you just need to hand out the products.

  • If the customer purchased a product without an appointment, the shop's manager will get an email to let them know. You can disable these emails in Settings > My Business > Edit Manager.

  • If the customer purchased a product with an appointment, it will show a tag icon on the appointment. Click on the appointment to view more details.

  • It's important to mark the product sale as received by the customer, that way the customer can't cancel the product sale later. If the customer were to cancel the appointment in advance, then this would also cancel the product sale and the stock level would increase accordingly.

Consuming your products

If any of your services require a product to be used (e.g. wax strips for a wax service), you can record this by clicking the green Consume next to the relevant product each time within Sell > Inventory. Each time you do this, the system will adjust the quantity to record how many you have used.

Managing your inventory

Once sales start to come in, the Inventory and the Low Stock tab will predict when you are likely to run out of stock for each product, to help you keep an eye on things and give you plenty of warning to order more stock in.

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