Note: Barber/therapist records are separate from staff logins. To remove a staff login from the admin booking system, see this article.
If you need to move any appointments with the barber/therapist to another staff member, see this article.
Before removing a barber/therapist, you need to fully close their rota within Settings -> Staff Rota. Click on the active days and select [Unavailable]
and [Repeat Weekly]
followed by [Preview New Timetable]
to save:
Repeat this for other days until they are fully unavailable after their last day.
You cannot delete a barber/therapist in advance (if they still have active days on the rota). After their last day, within Settings -> My Business, you can click the bin (delete) icon against their record:
NOTE: Deleted barbers/therapists will no longer appear on the Timetable, but their appointments are retained within Reports -> Cashing Up (which requires display revenue statistics, financial reporting and discounts & premiums to be enabled within Settings -> General).