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Candidate statuses
Candidate statuses
Matt Schofield avatar
Written by Matt Schofield
Updated over 4 months ago


Statuses are used to track the progress of candidates throughout the hiring process. Users have the ability to update the candidate’s status as they move through each stage of the process based on the permissions of their user type. Typically, Super Admins, District Admins, and District Users can change the candidate’s status at the District level OR for a specific school, while School Admins typically only have the ability to change a candidate’s status for their school site.

Three status types

There are three levels of statuses in Nimble and their relationship is outlined in the visual below:

The overall candidate-level status is the status of the candidate’s most advanced active application. For example, if a candidate has applied to three jobs, and has been invited to interview for one of those jobs, while she hasn’t yet been screened for the other two, then the candidate-level status will be Interview Invited because that is the status of her most advanced active application.

Users will only see the overall candidate-level status on the candidates, view all page. On this page, a candidate’s applications are threaded based on their email address. At the top level, you see the candidate-level status, but you can also expand to see the district-level application status for each of this candidate’s applications.

The district application status is the status of a candidate’s application for a certain job.

Let’s take for example a pooled job posting, where five schools have been tagged on the locations modal. When a candidate is placed into the hiring pool for this job, she will then have a separate application status at each school site. The district application status represents the most advanced active status across each of the schools. So, if four principals keep this candidate in the hiring pool status at their school, while one moves her to On Site Invited, the district application status will reflect “on site invited” because that is the most advanced active status for the candidate across each of the schools on this job. The visual below shows the district application status in the drop-down, and the school application statuses in the hover.

The school application status is the status of a candidate’s application for a certain school within a pooled posting. If a posting does not have any schools tagged on it, then there will be no school applications for that job, only one district-level application status.

When you view candidates on the candidates, view all page, you are seeing the candidate-level status on the topline, and then when you expand you’re seeing the district application status for each job they’ve applied to. When you go to candidates, by posting then click into a specific job, you are viewing the district application status for that job.

Principal view

If you open the quick view, and hover over “this application is available to x schools” you can then see the school application status for each of the schools tagged on this job. This also tells you what the principals are seeing in their account. If you do not see a school listed here, then that school does not have access to view this candidate. For each school, the status in parenthesis will be the status that that principal sees this candidate at when they log into Nimble. Principals can, however, hover here to see the status of that candidate at other schools. They can use this as a way to coordinate with other schools as they screen the same candidates.

Special statuses

Now that you understand the three levels of application statuses in Nimble, let’s discuss the way these statuses operate in the screening process. In this section, we’ll talk about how statuses operate in Nimble and we’ll also highlight three special statuses: the hiring pool status, the hired status and the archived statuses.

In Nimble there are three types of statuses: active statuses, archived statuses, and onboarding statuses.

  1. Active statuses are those in which the candidate is still under active consideration for the role.

  2. Archived statuses are those in which the candidate is no longer being considered. Examples of archived statuses might include screened out, withdrawn or offer declined. Some organizations also create an archived status for high-potential candidates they want to reach back out to next year.

  3. Onboarding statuses are those steps that happen for new hires after they are selected; these statuses will only be available for those organizations using our onboarding module.

There are also two types of active statuses: pre-screen statuses and hiring pool statuses. The pre-screen statuses are those steps in the process conducted by the central HR team, where school admin do not by default have access to view or move candidates.

Hiring pool statuses

The hiring pool statuses are those at and after the point where schools gain access to view candidates. The first hiring pool status is, by default, called “hiring pool” within the Nimble system but you can change the name of this status if desired. The hiring pool status is a very special status in Nimble because it is the first status at which the district application is parsed out into separate school application statuses.

So, as an example, if we move a candidate through the pre-screening stages of resume review and phone screen, this applicant only has one district-level status. However, once we move this person into the hiring pool, her application becomes visible to all schools I tagged to this job during the job posting process.

As you can see, the candidate’s application is now visible at the five schools associated with this job, and there is a separate school application status at each school.

Hired status

Another special status in Nimble is hired. The hired status is special because when you move a candidate to hired for a given job, Nimble automatically archives other applications for that candidate. If you are hiring a candidate for a pooled job, that means Nimble will do two things.

  1. First, it will automatically archive the school applications for all other schools tagged on this job where the candidate was not hired. In other words, it will pull the candidate from the pool so other principals are not still seeing someone who has been hired at another school.

  2. Second, it will archive the district and school applications for any other jobs this candidate has applied for.

When you move a candidate to hired, you will see a pop-up modal that asks which school the candidate is being hired at, you can select the school by clicking the checkbox on the left side of the school name.

You’ll also notice that in the bottom corner there is another checkbox that says Archive all other applications. By default this box will be checked, but you do have the ability to uncheck the box if you want to keep the other school and district applications active for this candidate.

Archived statuses

Finally, let’s discuss archived statuses, another special status type in Nimble. By default, the system has two archived statuses; Offer Declined and Archived. You have the ability to set as up as many archived statuses as applicable.

Moving candidates to the appropriate archived statuses will not only make your pipeline easier to manage, it also makes your dashboard data much more useful over time. For example, the conversion metrics chart shows the average processing time and pass rates for candidates, so it’s important to make sure you are moving and archiving candidates as accurately and as timely as possible. Once they are archived, the system removes them from the calculated averages on this page, recognizing that they have been fully screened.

For candidates who have been moved into or beyond the hiring pool, if you are archiving the district application, the candidate’s school applications will also be archived, and any of the future schools tagged to that job will not see that candidate.

If you or a School Admin are archiving for specific schools, the candidate will only be archived for the schools selected; all other schools will still see that candidate at the same status as before. This also means the candidate will still remain in the pool for any new schools that may be added to that job in the future.

Note: If you archive each individual school but do not select the checkbox for archiving the district application, each individual school admin will see the candidate status as archived but you as the Super or District Admin or District User will continue to see her at the active status in the hiring pool. This would be useful if, for example, the existing schools are not interested in a candidate but you believe that future schools tagged on the job might have an interest. In that case, you would want to leave the candidate’s district application active in the hiring pool so that if future schools are tagged on the posting, school applications will be created for the candidate at those schools.

In the case below, you can see that each of the candidate's school applications have been archived, but the district application is still in the hiring pool for future consideration at other schools where vacancies may come available later.

If you are ever unsure of what status School Admin are seeing for a candidate you can hover over “This application is visible to x schools” on the quick view to see the status that each school sees.

It’s also worth noting that by default, all archived statuses are deselected in the sidebar filter of the candidate list. If all of a candidate’s applications are archived, you won't see her name in the candidate list by default, due to this filter. To see the candidate in the list, you can simply check the box next to the archived status in the filter or click select all.

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